V | Morphine

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Her hand was suspended in the air, fingers slightly parted as they paused in the space between them. She was watching her fingertips while he was watching her, debating on what to do next. He had given her the okay, he had told her to touch him and yet actually committing the act was something else all together.

She tenderly let her nails brush against his bicep, flinching back at how cold he was. Her head shot up to him, lips frowning slightly as she realized she was still wearing his jacket.

His hand reached forward and guided her own by the wrist, taking a step closer and letting her fingers grace his skin. Blue eyes replaced with gold, and even when she stared up at them and their lack of mortality, she could still tell that he was watching her. It couldn't be real. An eternal, one of the great saviours of the universe, guided by the celestials themselves, was standing right in front of her. Their breath tangled together in hesitant exhales, their balance shifted slightly as they moved.

She was almost half convinced it was one of Sprite's illusions beforehand. But the fact that he didn't shatter under her touch was, well, terrifying.

Her palm pressed against his bicep, feeling the heat run to his muscle immediately. It fell down his arm, trailing down his forearm and making it's way to his hand. Instinctively, his palm turned to face upwards, welcoming her touch. Her fingertips traced the lines of his palm, carving out the indentations until their fingertips hooked onto one another.

Akiva wove their fingers together, letting them interlock but not forcing them to grasp each other by any means. They fit together well, clicking into place like puzzle pieces settling into position.

Looking back up at him again, she watched the way his teeth ground together. His jaw moved back and forth, causing her other hand to reach up to his face. Her jacket, his jacket sleeve, sunk down around her wrist from being slightly oversized. The heel of her palm pressed against his jaw first and slowly, the rest of her fingers curled around his face to rest against his cheek.

Again, the warmth followed her touch. Looking between his eyes, she figured it out pretty quickly. He was using his cosmic energy to warm his skin for her. He was the lion in sheep's wool. Mimicking her own actions and forcing his own to act in the same way. But it wasn't him, not organically. She was just taken aback by it at first because it didn't feel right.

But this, this was worse.

"Don't do that," she mumbled. He turned his head into her hand, raising his own to her wrist and curling his fingers around it. He gingerly placed a kiss into her palm, closing his eyes as he did so. Heat settled into the bottom of her stomach, feeling it churn and move like something was trying to claw it's way out. She was frozen in place at the sight and feeling of lips on her skin, but when he opened his eyes again, the gold had been washed away.

The warmth fleeted, but this time she welcomed the cold.

"Don't do what?" he teased, smiling into his words. She bit the inside of her cheek, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

"I like the cold, I just wasn't expecting it," she said, letting her own smile take over her features. Her lips upturned slightly as he rested his head against her hand. The grasp around her wrist opened up. It turned into him holding his hand over her own, thumbing over each of the knuckles in a steady rhythm.

"You like me?" he challenged, teeth flashing at her as he broke into a wide grin. Akiva pinched his cheek, letting her hand slip away from his face as her eyes narrowed into a thin slits.

"I said I liked the cold, idiot," she mused.

"Oh Akiva, you're breaking my heart," he challenged, accent laid on thick as he spoke more energetically. He faux winced as his hand rested on his chest, grabbing at his shirt in pain.

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