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She didn't look the same, as if they needed another indication that things had changed over the passing weeks. His features were tranquil as he watched her, hands folded behind his back like a monk. He was a pillar accented with peace, wanting a reality where everyone and everything was void of destruction. 

He could achieve it, too. If they left him alone and he was given the opportunity to become the sole almighty god, he'd create a physical existence that would never be touched with chaos and fighting. His suit of armour was a telltale sign that he was always coded to be a dark character, but Druig never faltered away from the light. His intentions were pure. Purer than any of the other eternals. 

And that made him everything that Akiva was not. 

She exhaled a breath through her nose. He remained silent thereafter, jaw shifting as he looked at her. Druig was constantly boring into her eyes but Akiva wasn't able to sustain eye-contact. Her vision sunk to the floor instead, watching the edge between the wall of the Domo hallway and the tiles of the ground. This pathway was such a deep charcoal that it was almost black, but each passing glitter of the stars caused silvery light leaks to spill over it's perfectly cut edges. 

"Non plus ultra," Akiva finished, trying to end the conversation where it stood. She didn't have time for this, needing to move past him in order to go to Phastos' lab and attempt to connect with Sersi. This is finished. Nothing further, nothing beyond. 

A dry laugh left his lips, taking his attention away from her to shake his head at the wall. Akiva brought her eyes to him with his fleeting attentiveness. She had a killer cold stare. The kind that was empty, where particles of light were unable to reflect in the lenses of her eyes. Her lips set in a straight line, corners slightly downturned as it broke apart the perfect chiseled bone in her cheeks. The skin stretched and creased down to her jaw, a constant reminder that she had a beauty in which rivalled Aphrodite. 

"Ad astra per aspera," he flirted back, shifting on his feet as he tilted his head to return to her. Through hardships to the stars.

Akiva stuck her tongue into her cheek, pressing it into the skin harshly. She didn't want to listen to him, knowing it was an explicit reference to their first conversation. Then, she had wanted to look at him so badly. She spoke bluntly and openly about her wishes and desires. The human trembled under the feeling of his breath fanning down her neck and the way his fingertips graced her skin. 

But now? It wasn't so easy for him to get her to tell her what she wanted. There was a mental blockade. She had cut off the connection with him when she buried the rest of her humanity in the earth. They were lightyears away from it's grave, moving at a speed that humans wouldn't be able to accomplish for the next thousand years. And perhaps by the time they got back, those new inventions would have begun to sprout up across the globe.

"Don't berate me in my mother tongue," he spoke passingly, beginning to take a few steps forward. 

Akiva's eyes darted to the opening he had created, watching the space grow between his shoulder and the wall. She shifted her back foot on the ground, streaming into a trail of golden orange as she flew towards her escape. The eternal's feet barely touched the ground as she strode, just beginning to catch a glimpse into the entryway of the lab. 

But his arm had caught her where she stood. 

He reached it out to his side, forearm pressing into her stomach as his hand settled around the air at her hip. It hovered around her, keeping her in place while he stared at the place she had just stood. His body had reacted before his mind, while both of their intentions matched. He had years of experience being around Makkari; he knew when to recognize the ashy smell in the air before cosmic speed broke out into something observable. His head dipped down slightly, looking to the ground as she stood tall. 

Complications of Mortality | Druig x OCWhere stories live. Discover now