IV | Moonlight

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01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 02:41 je te laisserai des mots - patrick watson

Chapter IV | Moonlight

"She was seven. Seven."

"Karun is already tagging along, what's the difference?"

"She can fight. She'll be able to fend for herself perfectly fine."

"Her energy is corrupted. You feel it too."

"You can't play god! We were never put on this Earth to be gods."

"Ajak would have taught her. She would have loved her as she loved you. As she loved all of us."

"Let her rest, tinkerbell."

"Don't you remember your seventh year here? Your first?"

"She's addicted to that thing. Look at her posting on instagram."

"Billions of them. Just like her."

"Remember your humanity. We aren't so different."

Akiva stirred slightly, opening her eyes with the absence of voices. Her pupils swelled in her irises, blinking around the large room. She didn't know how long they had been gone for. It could have ranged from hours to seconds, and she had no idea. Her hand reached up to her hair, running slender fingers through the strands at the crown of her head. It was tied back. Her fingers released their hold, opting to simply tuck away the fallen strands out of her face.

Daisies had threaded themselves into the woven hair. Moving the single braid over her shoulder to look at it, she fingered over the intricacies. It couldn't have been Makkari, the girl couldn't weave like this to save her life. Her thumb pressed down the petals of a daisy, nail digging into the white flora to bend it ever so slightly.

Her lungs inflated, holding the breath in her chest. Releasing it slowly through her nose, she swung her legs over the makeshift bed on the floor. There was a weight on her chest, even after she had run out of oxygen.

Akiva looked down, feeling it slump in her lap as she sat straighter. Hands left the braid, and found the leather fabric instead. She picked it up slowly, watching the jacket stretch in order to look at it better.

She had been too stunned, too stuck in the moment to move. But as she was pressed into the corner by her own doing, separated from the world by a single, stupid, knights helmet, she was surrounded by a leather jacket.

Her thumbprint rubbed over the collar, appreciating the gesture while she was sleeping. It was hard to ignore the way things were tense between the Eternals. They were trying to figure out how to save the world against a driving force that was infinitely bigger than themselves. Akiva couldn't imagine what it felt like. They had lived here for thousands of years and were now facing the threat of it all being ripped away. They had fallen in love with the people of this planet, some individuals fell into intimate relationships with the humans themselves, and now? How were they possibly expected to give it all up? Their memories erased just to restart in a clone's body and begin the cycle all over...

She stood up from the bed, draping the jacket over her arm and holding it to her chest as she left the room. A few of them seemed so willing to let it happen. Maybe they craved the chance to restart their lives. She couldn't fault them for that. If Akiva had the opportunity to draw a new card from the deck, to roll the dice again, she'd take the chance.

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