VIII | Marble

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His first steps were slow at first, eyes on the floor as he stepped over the doorway. He didn't know what he was doing. It was already bad enough that she had come to seek him out earlier in the night. She could've gone to Makkari, the relationship between them clearly sisterly with the way they cared for another. Makkari protected the girl, she took the blame when the conflict of her very presence became apparent, and Akiva showed her adoration for the eternal through small, but meaningful gestures.

She could've gone for Phastos, setting aside time that they clearly needed to catch up on all of their years missed. Druig had heard about how he had a son now, and a husband. Phastos had a family and he was sure Akiva would've loved to hear about it. It was almost like he could hear her thoughts, the way she longed for her parents and seeking that maternal affection. He had this family of Eternals for centuries, and even when they separated over the past five hundred years, he knew that he could easily reunite with any of them and it would be as if not a single day had passed.

Bloody hell, Akiva could've even gone to Thena to gush over the way they worked so rhythmically when fighting the deviant that attacked the Domo. Or to Kingo and his little side kick to figure out how relationships between eternals and humans could last healthily for so many years.

But of course not.

He had found comfort in his own self company and she had ungracefully intruded upon it. He was lonely but it was sickly sweet, finding refuge within the stream of consciousness that he called his thoughts.

After passing the threshold, he slipped inside a bit quicker, hand reaching behind his back to close the door. He leaned against it as it clicked shut, resting his shoulder blades against the metal and sinking his spine into its hard surface. She was already looking at him, and he watched as she had curled herself up in the single blanket. Blue light streamed across her room, illuminating each surface with cool tones.

"Hello darling," he soothed, heavy eyelids meeting her eyes once again.

He liked the way she forced herself in. He had so often barged into the minds of other humans in order to resolve conflict, but she had managed to do the same to him without any magic involved.

Her presence was comforting. He had gotten a taste of the honeyed accompaniment and it had quickly spiraled into something addicting. Something intoxicating.

He stole glances whenever she brought up war strategy in conversation, or when she interacted with the other eternals. She would be perfectly okay on her own, he knew that fully well. But for some reason, he didn't want to leave her side. At the very least, not tonight.

Humans and eternals were flowers of the same Celestials.

Akiva hadn't exactly been shocked to see him walk through her door. Her emotions were peaking, and if anyone was going to pick up on them, it made sense to be him. She inhaled quietly, deeply though her nose to try and subdue the quick incline of overwhelming fear and sadness. She was terrified. Focus on something else, Akiva.

So she watched him. Her fingertips curled around her bedsheets as she watched his figure lean against the door.

She half expected him to sink to the floor, sitting against the door and standing guard for the night to avoid the concept of sleeping until morning. But he didn't. He stood and watched her, daring her to make the first move. But she was almost tempted into challenging him instead, wondering how the natural progression of everything would unfold.

Complications of Mortality | Druig x OCWhere stories live. Discover now