III | Minuteman

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The ship was thrown off axis, electronic waves of sound pulsing through the Domo in increasing speed increments. People scrambled across the room, desperate hands grasping at anything in reach to possibly steady their bodies. They slipped on the floor and pushed themselves back up as the ship corrected itself and it's equilibrium. 

Akiva put a foot beneath her and propelled herself back into a standing position. She was standing in a room of superheros and yet no one was moving a muscle to defend against a possible assailant. Not superheros, not truly. They were more than that. She could feel the raw intimidation, the radiance of their pure power, even from across the room. They clothed themselves in the same attire as the majority of the human population and yet they still managed to stick out like a sore thumb. 

But the one that could slip away easily, the one that could camouflage in a crowd within seconds, was the one on edge. She always had been. From picking up the sound of footsteps and being able to recognize their owner immediately, to hearing the echos of the far corners of the ship from the center room. Always vigilant and always self-aware. 

A blood sniffing shark. 

Makkari was gone, traces of a scent only described like a mixture between gunpowder and charcoal flew passed Akiva and out the threshold of the room. Her skin was still hot, remembering each tethered blow of the fox deviant.

She looked around at the group, watching them pick each other up or question what was going on. Makkari didn't let a second pass before taking action, and Akiva knew that giving the source of danger a moment to breathe could be their greatest downfall. 

The human turned, head first over her shoulder and body following soon after as she took up a sprint. 

"Phastos!" She belted, arm outstretched behind her as she ran down the bridge. The sound of the clinking of metal whirled around in high pitch, each piece colliding with one another behind her before she felt the cold surface. Another second, and Akiva was jumping off of the boarding ramp, metal parts consuming her arm as she disappeared. 

The Eternals watched in silence, not knowing how to react to such a reckless scene. Ikaris took a few steps forward, head clearly questioning what was going on in the sand dunes of Babylon. He looked down the sloped ramp curiously, peering down at hundreds of feet below. 

They didn't know what kind of threat was attacking a ship as large as the Domo nor what it was attracted to in the first place. Running into a situation like this without even the smallest idea of an attack plan could have been a deathwish. Ikaris stood his ground, face unmoving as he watched the dunes. 

There was slight movement behind him, light footwork striding forward with slow and consistent steps. 

"Ooh," Thena huffed, tilting her head slightly as her eyes locked onto the same spot as Ikaris', "I like this one," she admitted, the traces of an all-knowing smile pulling at her lips as she strode forward. Her shoulders were graceful as she made her way around him, golden sword and shield appearing in each of her hands as she continued. The tips of her shoes rested on the edge of the platform, inhaling deeply through her nose as she watched the sand move in the wind. 

Another step forward, and one of Phastos' platforms caught her step, gently moving her away from the ship and down to the Earth. 

Kingo was next. He cleared his throat as he began to walk forward. He was the furthest away from the ramp, but as he neared the bridge and Ikaris in the middle of it, his steps slowed. "Boss?" he asked, looking at his profile. Ikaris still watched straight ahead, a statue in place as his expression remained unreadable. "We need to help them, we're meant to protect the humans from deviants--"

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