X | Manipulate

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Phastos' eyes were still trained in and focused on his blueprints. They rotated slowly in the middle of the central room of the Domo, lips pressed together and fingers curled against his chin. Akiva's light footsteps padded gently against the tile ground as she approached. Instinctively, she ducked under the door frame, despite not being nearly tall enough to hit her head. Her eyes looked up at Phastos as he was the highest focal point in the room, black irises trained on him. Standing up straight again quickly after, her hands found each other and rested against her backside. She stood alert and ready, almost like a soldier awaiting commands.

"Walk with me." Thena asserted, a lazy smile on her mouth. The woman was already walking towards her, white sundress changed into a more-than-modern suit of armour.

Sersi was sitting behind Makkari on the steps, working on weaving the speedsters hair into three long braids. They were caught up in something of their own, but upon the interaction between Thena and Akiva, they both looked up from under thick eyelashes. Makkari saw the way they connected and looked back down to the floor, but Sersi remained watching. Her fingers still moved as she threaded the pieces of hair, expression neutral.

Akiva looked to Thena and nodded her head, turning back around to leave the room. The goddess was already walking a few paces ahead, but her steps were slow and calculated. Akiva didn't exactly carry the same grace. Her hands disconnected and hung next to her sides, moving back and forth with each step. Her hair fell to her back but hugged the slope of her shoulders, bouncing slightly with the movement.

They turned away from the bridge, Thena walking in a line that seemed to be carved into the ground. Her eyes remained set straight ahead as she moved, not so much as glancing towards the human. Akiva watched her hesitantly, wondering what exactly was going through her head.

But in their turn, she saw a shrouded figure walking from the bridge. The trails of a skirt piece brushed against the floor with each intentional stride, catching her attention first. She caught Druig's attention in her own and he ripped his away immediately, guilt illustrated across his features. Another second clicked by and Thena and herself were already moving down the next narrow hallway. Akiva didn't even have a chance to dwell on what the expression meant before her attention was snapped back.

"Put this on," Thena quietly sighed, holding out a thick, circular golden bracelet out in the space between them.

Akiva found the wall across from her, standing a few inches from it as she directed herself down to the bracelet. It hung off of Thena's pointer finger, swaying slightly from the movement. The girl looked back up at Thena's face before taking it, surprised by how light it was despite the appearance of being made of gold.

"What is it?"

"It's a beacon," Thena nodded towards it with her chin, "If Ikaris thinks the Uni-Mind's source is up here, the others will be able to begin the process on the ground."

It was enough of a reason for her. She didn't see anything wrong with the idea, or any indication that there was something she was missing. Akiva put her hand through the loop of the bracelet, watching it close and shrink in order to fit snuggly around her wrist. "And once we have his attention?" She asked as she adjusted the metal to fit comfortably.

Thena watched her as Akiva's eyes came back up to meet her own. Her chin pointed into the air slightly, looking at Akiva through the waterline of her eyes. "We attack."

"Frankly, Makkari is the only other fighter we have," she lowered her head again, "and we need her speed on the ground. So you're with me, because you're all we've got."

Akiva's cheek twitched slightly under her eye, letting the idea sink in a little bit more. It was insane that they were putting a human up against the best fighter of the Eternals. She knew that this was a last resort in order for them to save the world, but she couldn't fathom the reasoning behind keeping it in the family. The end of the world seemed like an Avengers level threat—not a fight for a girl with a bo staff. Hell, she was still sore from being thrown into a bank of sand. Sand.

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