XIV | Meanwhile

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Quick Author's Note: 

This chapter is mostly going to be filler if you've watched the film. At the least, it will be a summary of the same events that actually take place. At the most, hopefully my writing emphasizes the severity of this all and illustrates the morals of each character as it pertains to this narrative. 

---- Chapter XIV: Meanwhile ----

"Come on....Sersi," Phastos whispered, directing his attention to the massive hand breaching the waves of the island they had seemingly been stranded upon. The Domo loomed over the water, casting a massive triangular shadow over the beach. The overcast sky had already refused the sunlight from peaking through, but the Domo? The Domo made sure it was shut away completely with it's completely alien, ancient framework. 

Ikaris had hovered in the air out of reach, head also turned towards the celestial. The gold was almost luminescent. It was more vibrant than the pigment that reflected in their eyes when they were using their gifted abilities—more intense than the outlines of their suits of armor when they connected with one another. 

He flew backwards slightly to avoid an incoming cluster of ash and rock as eruptions rolled down the slope of the volcano's neck. But his eyes were still transfixed on the sight. Tiamut's eyes were violently white, so ready to emerge and be blessed with celestial life. The eternals were all turned to it, completely captivated with what was happening. The vibrations were so intense, the friction that rippled through the earth as a result from the crust cracking into pieces was so massive, that Makkari was brought to her knees in the sand. Her face had no choice but to turn to the scene at hand. They had a front row view to the end of the world, almost like they were put into a trance. 

The royal blue was gone within an instant, the eternal flying through the air to put a stop to the gold's corruption. 

He was the noble soldier. He was unwaveringly loyal to the will of the Celestials. Their tool for whatever they desired, both destruction and creation dancing between their fingertips. Even though he hadn't been chosen to become the Prime Eternal, he even always showed obedience to Ajak. The emergence was so beautiful, his heart and head swelled with the drive to foresee it through. How could the other Eternals not fall in love with what they were watching?

It was so much greater than the humans that inhabited this planet as it's token intelligent life force. Tiamut would lend it's hand to creating billions of more planets just like this one—so many more solar systems and galaxies their minds couldn't even begin to comprehend. 

The Celestials would have the opportunity to create perfect life forms, just like the Eternals. Versions of humans that weren't succumbed to war, species that chose to love each other instead of hate. They were so driven by wealth and power that they would, and have, killed each other over it. 

Frankly, he knew that once the Eternals got the chance to inhabit a new planet, they'd be given the chance to fall in love with an intelligent population that actually had the ability to love them back. 

But humans? They were doomed. There was so much red in their ledgers that it would completely taint the perfection in Tiamut's gold if their lives were to be preserved. They weren't worth it, and he had seen it from the beginning. Tiamut was all that mattered right now. He would be the communicator. The one—the god—to connect the millions of galaxies across space and time itself. 

Ikaris' body hurled over the waves as they broke against the rock, hardly feeling the spray of water as he flew over the expanse of open sea. He was moving directly towards the source of marble that was threatening to overtake it. It cracked and split over the metal like a drop of ink seeping into a leaf of paper. It seemed so easy for her, like destroying the fragile life of a Celestial was what she was always meant to do. 

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