XXVII | Maîtriser

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Author's Note:

This chapter is for mature audiences only. It is going to be NSFW, containing sexual themes and graphic/explicit content. I'm not going to put an age warning because I trust you all to make your own decisions, but please read it at your discretion. You're welcome to skip over this chapter, as it doesn't contribute too much to the plot otherwise.

That being said--and funnily enough--I am on the asexual spectrum, so please take this all with a grain of salt.

-- Atlas.



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Her fingertips pressed against the cold glass. She watched the contact carefully, like she was studying the way a simple, thin barrier managed to separate her from the vast abyss of space. When were they going to progress beyond this state of constant drift? Celestial seeds were few and far between. When they finally managed to come across planet that were inhabited with different forms of intelligent life, they didn't have the seed implanted in their planets core. And with the seed, came other groups of eternals. Carbon copies of a species far superior to humans in every way.

Her pointer finger tapped the chilled surface, drumming softly against it as if it could ease the rolling pressure in her head. It had been so long since she had last felt remotely human. The divide was deep, like a ravine slicing through her very nature.

The last time she had felt in touch with it all was when Druig had forced her to come back to him.

Her nail curled into the glass, bending as she pressed it firm. She had found her way back into her room in an effort to try and reconnect with herself. Akiva closed her eyes, dipping her head forward and letting it touch the cooled window. Thena had warned her of this, of how it would feel to lose herself. She held so much anger, so much passion for power. Akiva wanted to experience creation hand in hand with corruption, and had no idea how she could possibly internalize it without the risk of slowly killing herself.

Complications of Mortality | Druig x OCWhere stories live. Discover now