VII | Mirror

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The tenderness on her chest eased, feeling the regenerative healing take it's place instead. She adjusted her shoulder slightly against Thena's hand, feeling how tight the skin had gotten around her bicep. She should have figured as much. If Thena was delving into her injuries at a molecular level, it made sense to stitch together the skin that suffered from natural aging. But still, it felt a little lopsided.

If Ikaris and Sprite got their way, the celestial would emerge and consume the planet and the intelligent life forms that found root as humans. The eternals would get to restart and try the process again, and Akiva would be thrown into nothingness.

But if the odds were in her favour, Druig would be able to gain temporary ownership of the Prime Eternal role and put Tiamut to sleep, using all of their celestial energy for one common purpose. But was it enough? They had lost three members by their own doing, and two that had passed away before the conflict grew to such large proportions.

Akiva looked up, glancing to Makkari, and Sersi, searching for the presence she desired.

Druig was eating a pear, sinking his teeth into it's flesh as he watched exposed skin of her shoulder meet the chilled air. As they caught each other's attention in the crossfire, Druig's lips twitched upwards and he looked away.

Akiva disregarded it and moved back to Thena, her eyebrows knitting together as she debated whether or not it was something that should be spoken loud enough for the others to hear.

"We need a backup plan," she blurted, causing Phastos to break his focus on the coordinates. He looked down at the girls, leaving possible power source blueprints for the Uni-Mind suspending in the air as he took a few steps down the stairs. "If Druig can't put Tiamut to sleep—or—if something happens to him." Akiva shrugged on her combat suit again, zipping it up to the base of her neck and holding Thena's hand between each of hers in thanks.

"Kid's right, our lifespans are unpredictable right now," Phastos spoke, loud enough for the other few to hear.

"Kid? Phastos, I'm twenty-two."

"Kid to me," he defended, mocking look displayed across his features, "don't pout at me, I'm three hundred times your age."

"Yeah," Akiva rolled her eyes, "you're lucky I'm not changing your diapers, old man."

Phastos' jaw dropped, followed by the immediate closing of his mouth and turning away from Akiva. He brought his attention to the other two instead, signing to Makkari we need to talk.

Thena stood from the floor, pulling herself up with ease as she smoothed out her suit. Nearly all of them had clothed themselves in their designated uniforms now, Phastos and Druig being the exceptions. The red, green, and white complimented one another, gold lines and circles imbedded into their suits matching with a concurrent theme.

"At Druig's compound, I heard you turned a deviant into a tree?" Akiva wondered, looking at Sersi to try and gauge how she was feeling about the entire situation. World destruction and familial betrayal weren't exactly a pretty combination.

"You think she could do that again—to Tiamut?" Phastos asked, looking from Akiva to Sersi.

"That was the first time I've done it before," Sersi shook her head, eyes wide. She pinched her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought about it, mulling it over slowly in her mind. "I'd need to practice but—I—I can't—"

Makkari put her hand on Sersi's shoulder, stilling her words and rubbing her thumb over the indentations in her suit. Sersi stared at the floor across the room, "We were talking about putting the celestial to sleep," she spoke, voice hushed. "But that deviant...

Complications of Mortality | Druig x OCWhere stories live. Discover now