Your side to Sunset

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[I added a YT link to the song, you may listen to it while reading that part in this chapter when I mention]

[NOTES- This chapter starts from the time when Jeongguk left Taehyung in his room leaving him tangled by his words, but little did we know, Taehyung was not the only one who was astonished.]

...Jeongguk hugged Taehyung one last time, smelling his scent, and just like that, he disappeared from his place like thin air. 

[Jeongguk POV]

I left him there, I am pretty sure he was as surprised as I am with myself now.


"I'll give you some time, think about this. Come and live together with me."


"Why in the heavens I told him that? I mean really, what was going inside my head these days? I mean I do understand that I enjoy the time we spent together and sex is definitely mind-blowing. But still, that is not enough for me to agree upon someone living together with me." I ruffled my head annoyingly.

I don't know why I said him that and the most annoying thing is I meant it. I really wanted him to be with me. Out of everything, why it has to be him? This question came many times inside my head previously and I still don't have an answer for it but recently I don't think I'll need one in the first place. 

Is it just cause, I had my orgasm with him? Is it cause he is the only one, with whom I can be what I am? Is it?

Whatever it is, I don't know...

I was flying inside the hell, It's been a long time. I truly despise this place. If it's not for Taehyung and that promise, I bet I never even take my breathe here in the first place. I truly hate this place the most out of everything. I sighed umpteenth time, it's not like I care. 

I wanted to go to heaven, and it will take a single snap of my fingers to transport me to heaven right now, but since I am here, let's just take a look around in disguise. I started flying inside the hell in a  black robe. It's been a long time since I wore black. You can say I was never used to the idea of it. I took a stroll around some places. Demons and their life. I don't get it sometimes. But then again, I hate them, I hate all of the demons with my guts. I saw a group who are cheering so loud. I became curious and joined them. I asked one of the demons, "What's happening?" He turned around and gave me a bored look. Since I was in disguise, they never even see my real face.

"Can't you see, we are bidding on that succubi. That bitch is really something. Look at her, walking with those filthy clothes, whom she was trying to allure, hah!" He licked his lips and started shouting along with the crowd. 

I looked at the succubi, I felt bad for her, but then again, should I be surprised by these kinds of things? Probably not, I am in hell. These things are really common here. Not respecting others' rights, its one of the traits in these demonic types of blood. I walked out of there suddenly feeling heavy. I started walking but then I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder, stopping me, more like gripping me. 

"Never seen you here before, Where are you from?" He asked me, It was the same guy whom I asked about the succubi thing. I smiled nervously, thinking about ways to ditch his question without creating chaos. 

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