Part 23

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Silence. It filled our bedroom like a nasty smell coming from a gym locker room.

Corey just sat there, mouth wide open, and eyes wide looking at the floor.

*Snap* *Snap* i snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Corey?" I asked, almost pleading to hear him say something.

His gaze turned into the biggest smile and stars seemed to fill his baby blue eyes.

"IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He screamed while jumping off of the bed then jumping up and down in excitement.

"Baby, I can't believe it. Are you sure? Have you made a doctor's appointment yet? How far along...." Corey started with his questions before I interrupted him, putting my finger over his mouth.

"Babe, I took a test not long after our wedding. I am sure." I said with a small giggle.
"I havent made a doctor's appointment yet because I wanted you to go with me. And I was going to wait until Christmas, but oops."

His smile never faded. He picked me up off the bed and spun me around in an embrace while kisses me all over my face.

"Stephanie Taylor, I love you. Thank you for not waiting any longer" he managed to say in between kisses.

"I love you too Corey."

Once I managed to break free from the hugs and multiple kisses, I grabbed Corey's hand and we made our way downstairs to tell the others.

"About damn time you told him" Jim said from the living room.

"How did you know?" I asked

Jim didn't say a word, but he pointed to Sid who was hiding behind the door frame leading into the kitchen.

"Sidney!" I yelled making everyone jump.

"I didn't mean to. It just slipped. One night. When I was drunk." Sid replied, trying to explain himself.

Everyone else came upstairs from the studio to see what all the yelling was about.

"Well now that everyone is here,"  Corey started
"I'm gonna be a dad!"

All the guys gave us hugs and congratulations. Paul waited until last and gave us a big hug, together.

"Uncle Pauly. Sounds nice." He said into my ear

"Yeah yeah, get off me." Corey said while laughing.

The rest of the day went by fast. The guys were down stairs recording while I stayed in the living room looking into prenatal doctor's in the area. Im hoping that we will be close to Des Moines when its time for the baby to be born.

I grabbed a notebook and started thinking of baby names. Two boy names and two girl names.
Griffin Todd
Christopher Todd
Scarlett Lynn
Jessica Lynn

"Whatcha writing there?" Corey asked from behind me, making me jump.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I said while standing up so he could sit in my chair.

Once he sat down, I sat in his lap and showed him the names I came up with.

Laughing, "Already coming up with names huh" Corey stated while reading over the paper.

"I like Griffin. Its different." He said while putting his arms around me.

"What about the girl names? Did you like either of those?" I asked while pointing to the notebook.

"Nah, we're having a boy. Im sure of it" he said while snuggling his face into my shoulder.

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