Part 5

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The past few weeks after that day have been uneventful. I haven't heard anything from Joey and Corey has been acting distant. When I have talked to Corey, he only gives one worded answers. I've told Paul all about what happened and he said the same thing Corey did; about how Joey would break my heart.
I was sitting on my couch watching TV when my phone rang. It was Paul.
"Hey Pauly, whats going on?" I said into the phone.
"Hey Steph. Have you heard from Corey today? I've been trying to call him for a few days but he never answers." That was unlike Corey, he always answered when one of the guys would call. Even in a movie theater or when we would be deep in coversation, he always would answer.
"He hasn't been talking to me since the day after the party. That's not like him." I said, worry growing inside me. What if he's hurt? What if he took off somehwere and left his phone? My heart was racing and my thoughts were going a mile a minute.
"I'm coming to pick you up, and we will go check on him. I'll see you in a few minutes. Love ya, Bye." Before I could say anything, Paul hung up.
I quickly started to get ready and turn everything off so all I had to do was run out the door to meet Paul in my driveway. About 20 minutes later, he finally pulled up. I jumped in his car and we took off to Corey's.
"I have a feeling I know what is going on" Paul admitted while not taking his eyes off the road.
"What do you mean?" Panic, my old friend, is now settleing in the pit of my stomach.
"I think he might have started drinking heavely again. I may be wrong. But I'm not ruling it out until I see him." Paul's facial expression went from worry to anger before he could finish his sentence.
We made to Corey's and his car was still in the drive way. Now we know he didn't drive himself anywhere. I still had my old house key so I let Paul and myself in.
"Corey? Are you home? It's Stephanie and Paul." I called out.
No answer. Paul decided to look around the basement and the lower level of the house, while I started up the stairs. The further I made it up, the more I could hear the faint sound of music. I couldn't tell where it was coming from though. I checked every room. No Corey. The last room on the upstairs hallway was his. Before I made it to his door, the music stopped. I put my ear to the door and heard movement.
"Corey?" I said while knocking on the door.
And there he was. Hadn't shaved in what looked like weeks and had a strong smell of alcohol coming from his body.
"Hey Steph. What are you doing here?" He sounded like he hadn't been sleeping either.
"We were worried about you. You haven't been talking to anyone. And you look like hell Corey." Tears started to form in my eyes at the sight of him. My best friend seemed lost and no one knows why.
"Can I come in Corey?"
He stepped away from the door to allow me in the room. Beer bottles, Jack Daniels bottles, and empty cigarette packs were sitting all around the room. I sat down at his desk and he sat at the end of his bed.
"What is going on Corey? Why won't you talk to me?" I reached out to hold his hand, but he frantically moved away.
"Nothing is going on. Nothing at all. I just wanted to be by myself for a little bit and write some music for the new album." His eyes looked up at me, blood shot and weak, I could tell he was lieing. Trying to hold something in.
"What happened to being eachother's number one? No matter what? I haven't heard from you in weeks! In the six years I have known you Corey, you have never went a day without talking to me.." Before I could finish what I wanted to say, he started crying. I could see the tears rolling down his tired face. I placed my hands on both sides of his face and made him look at me.
"Corey Todd, what is wrong?" He didn't say a word, he just wrapped his arms around my waist and cried harder into my chest.
We sat there for the longest time, I held onto him, running my fingures through his hair. Paul made his way upstairs and found us in Corey's room. No one said a word, Paul looked at me and I nodded letting him know that I would take care of Corey. Paul went back downstairs, I heard the TV turn on and start playing one of the music channels. Corey calmed down enough to where he had stopped crying, but he still held onto me.
"Are you hungry?" I asked him while trying to get him to look at me.
"Yeah, do you mind to cook something?" First words I have heard from him in what felt like hours.
"I don't mind at all. Go take a shower, and shave your face. I'll be down stairs with Paul, okay?" He nodded but waited for me to start down the stairs before he got up off the bed.
"I'm glad we found him here Steph." Paul said while following me into the kitchen and sitting down at the table.
"I am too. I'm making dinner for us three. Any requests?" I asked while looking through the cabients. I could tell Corey hasn't left the house, let alone been to the grocery store.
"Whatever you wanna make, girl." Paul was never a picky eater and I was thankful. I almost gave up on trying to cook when I found the ingredients for my speciality; Spaghetti. I would be an easy clean up too. Right when I was finished cooking, Corey walked in and gave Paul a hug.
"Don't do this to me again Corey. But I'm glad you're safe." Paul said to him while they hugged.
"I won't man. Sorry I caused worry and choas." Corey sounded better than when I first found him.
"You are the king of choas, big mouth. Just remeber who came here today" I gave him a wink while I sat his plate infront of him. After dinner, I cleaned up and stepped outside for a smoke. Paul followed, I figured he would ask me what happened with Corey.
"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" Right on que Paul.
"Yeah, I was waiting until we got outside." I lit my cigarette, inhaled, then exhaled while holding my head in my hands. "When I found him, he looked awful Pauly. Like he hadn't slept or showered in weeks. He said he needed to be alone to write music. I know that's a lie. He would not tell me what was wrong, I picked his face up and asked again. Tears kept falling down his face and he clung to me. I could feel all his tears through my shirt, Paul. I dont know what happened to him but he was devastated." I felt a tear run down my cheek, thinking about the state I found Corey in broke my heart.
"He's never been like this before. I didnt think he was seeing anyone after he broke it off with the last girlfriend." I kept trying to think of a reason why he would act so broken. Then I noticed Paul had a horrified look on his face.
"Do you think it's over what happened between you and Joey?" Paul asked, his eye grew wider while he asked.
"Ha! Why would Corey be that upset over Joey and I kissing?"
"Think about it Steph. This weird shit didn't start until after that incident. It would explain why he clung to you earlier. He has feelings for you. More than what we thought. I'll try talking to him later."
Why did Paul always have to have to make good points. It did make sense, but I refused to believe that my best friend thought of me as more than a friend. I hope Paul can get some answers, the anticipation was starting to get to me already.
Paul went inside the house, I could hear him and Corey talking in the living room. I couldn't tell what was being said, but I could tell by the tone in their voices, they were trying to be quiet.
I sat outside thinking of everything Cirey and I had been through. Breakups, fights, tours, you name it. All of a sudden, the front door opened, revealing Corey.
"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked
"I dont mind at all" I said with a grin, it was good to see him cleaned up. But he looked like he had been crying again. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him once he sat down. He held onto my hands and took in a deep breath, "Thank you for coming today Steph. Just seeing you made everything better" Tears started to run down his face again.
"Corey, talk to me" I moved my arms off of him so we could face eachother.
"This isn't easy Steph and I dont know how this will change our relationship." I looked that him concerned.
"What are you talking about Corey?"
"I've held this inside since I left for the Iowa tour. I can't stop thinking about you. I want you to be mine. And when that happened with Joey, I wanted to bash his fucking face in." Corey lit a cigarette and looked me in the eyes before continuing,
"I mean every word Stephanie. You are my best friend, but I would kill to have you as mine. Will you give me a chance to show you, romantically, how I can be?"
Shocked is an understatement, I cant believe what i just heard. I just looked at him, trying to see if he was only kidding. Corey was serious. His eyes turned a light blue outlined with grey, that's how I knew he really did mean every word. I took his cigarette from him and inhaled.
"So when's our first date?" I asked with a grin. Corey's face lit up and he grabbed me. Hugging me, he buried his face in my neck and said "Tomorrow night, wherever you want to go."

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