Part 1

490 11 3

April 11, 2002

My name is Stephanie. Today is my 24th birthday. Like most of my birthdays, today will be nothing special, that is if I have any say so. Laying in bed and staring at the ceiling has become a morning routine for me. I recently was fired from my job at Empire Records and my best friend, Corey Taylor from Slipknot, was not happy. He begged me to go on tour with them for their Iowa album, but I gracefully declined. I haven't met any of the other band memebers, except for Paul. Paul seems to be the level heaed one in the group, while Corey is the big mouth. Debating on even getting out of bed, I hear my phone ring. A text message from Corey:

"Happy birthday smartass. Picking you up at 12 today. Get ready

Normal fashion for Corey, always calling me a smartass and making plans for me. He knows I hate going places and hate being around people I don't know. Makes me wonder what he has planned for today. I reply back:

"Thanks big mouth! I'll see you then. Inside or outside attire?
A few minutes later, he replied:

"Doesn't matter. Just nothing dressy

After receiveing that last message, I jumped out of bed and started getting ready. Took a hot shower, brushed my teeth, and went to my closet to try and find something to wear. After about ten minutes, I finally decided on my Slipknot muscle shirt with blue jeans and my black Converses. I deceided to straighten my hair so it would look somewhat presentable. My dark red brown hair now lays past the middle of my back. Damn, I didn't realize how long it had gotten. I finished my hair and put on my makeup when I heard someone banging on my front door.

"What the fuck do you..." I started to say as I opened the door. There stood Mr. Taylor himself.
"Aren't you ready yet?" Corey asked as he walked past me inside and made himself at home on my couch.
"No, it's only 11am Corey. I still have an hour!"
"Well hurry up. We have places to go and people to see."
With that, I went back to my room and finished getting my things together. I could hear Corey on the phone with someone. Couldn't tell what they were saying; all I could hear was the occasional "yeah" and "I'll let you knows." I walked back into my living room, and he frantically got off the phone as fast as he could.
"You finally ready smartass?" He grinned at me.
"Yeah big mouth. Let's get this celebration over with."

We walk out to Corey's car and he opens the door for me. Once we both get in and he starts backing down my driveway, he started getting another phone call.
"Yeah? Cant talk now. Yes, I'll see you tonight. Bye."
"So who was that?" I asked with a curious look on my face.
"You'll find out at dinner tonight." He said with a grin and then winked at me.
"Oh no, Corey. Don't tell me you invited a bunch of people over." I whined with an irritated tone.
"I wouldn't say it's a lot of people. Less than 15. Tops."
With that answer I was silent until we pulled up to Corey's house. His house was about 15 minutes away from mine. Corey's is a nice two story with a full studio basement. My house is a one story with no basement. Once inside Corey's house, I sat down at the kitchen table while he got us each a beer. He started showing me what all he had plan for my birthday party tonight.
"Corey Todd, I told you no parties for me!" I yelled at him.
"Too late now Steph. Guess you gotta deal with it." He said while sticking his tounge out at me.
Taking a sip of my beer, I flipped him off and went out to the backyard patio. I've always found it peaceful here, the noise you can hear is the wind blowing through the trees. I took out my cigarette pack, lit one, and enjoyed what little alone time I had before Corey sat down beside me.
"Can I have one?" He asked while holding up my Marlboros.
"You know you don't have to ask." I stated while handing him the cigarette I had just lit and getting another one out.
"So for tonight, it's only going to be you, me, and the rest of Slipknot. I didnt invite a bunch of people you didnt know."He stated.
I will admit, Corey knew me better than I knew myself somedays. Hes always trying to break me from my shell. After a minutes of thinking, I looked at him with my cigarette in my mouth and said:
"Thank you big mouth. I'm sure we all will have a good time. And, this gives me a chance to get to know the guys." I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Blushing, he said "You're welcome Steph. I knew you wouldn't be comfortable around more than just our little group."
You have a point there Mr. Taylor, I thought while taking the last sip of my beer.

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