Part 21

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Three text messages back to back. 

"Are you sure!?!"

"You sure you're just not just sick from the alcohol?"

"Holy shit, what if I become an uncle?"

Thanks Paul for being so supportive. 

After a few minutes I replied back; "Shut up and lets go."

I slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Corey who was still snoring but had rolled over in the bed. With what little sunlight was coming through the windows, I was able to find a pair of jeans and one of Corey's old t-shirts. 

I heard a light knock at the door, and slowly started to see Paul's face in the crack between the door frame. He whispered "Are you ready?" I shook my head yes and quickly walked out of the bedroom, while shutting the door behind me. 

"Shh, I will explain more in the car." I whispered to Paul before he started asking his million questions. 

"Where are yall going?" Sid asked while standing in his door way, yawning and rubbing his eyes. 

Startled, I spat back in a whisper; "Nowhere, go back to bed." 

"Too late, I'm going too. Can we stop at a store? I need more smokes." Sid said while putting a hoodie on and putting his last cigarette in his mouth. 

Rolling my eyes I mouthed, "Fine" while starting down the stairs to the front door. 

"She okay man?" Sid asked Paul.

"Hopefully" Paul replied back with a look of worry and hesitation on his face. 

What if I am pregnant? What if Corey freaks out? How am I going to take care of a baby while he's on tour? 

My mind wouldn't stop racing with what if's, until Paul snapped his fingers in front of my face before getting in the car. He looked at me with confusion and so did Sid.

"Alright guys, what is going on?" Sid asked while shutting the car door and walking over to me. 

"I might be pregnant, Sid. There, you happy now?" I fired back.

Sid's eyes grew big and his jaw dropped. Paul just looked at the ground while lighting a cigarette. 

"Lets get going before everyone else wakes up and wants to come too, Steph." Paul stated while opening the passenger side car door and motioning for me to get in.

The ride to the nearest store was quiet and felt like it took forever. I looked out the window the whole time, still thinking of the what if's and how was this going to work. 

"I'll go inside and get the test. I'm going to get smokes and something to drink anyways. Need anything else?" Sid offered and asked.

"Just the test Sid. Thank you." I stated, while looking over my shoulder at him. 

"You got it." He said as he got out of the car and hurried inside. 

"So if you are, how far along do you think you are?" Paul asked while watching the front door of the store. 

"No more than a few weeks. Corey and I have been having some wild nights leading up to the wedding." I giggled. "I just can't believe it happened so fast. We haven't even been married for 24 hours Pauly."

"I know Steph, but think of it this way. Maybe it was meant to be, you will be a great mom. Corey will be a great dad. And I'll be an awesome uncle." He replied with a big grin on his face. 

We both laughed and Sid got back in the car while throwing the pregnancy test at me. 

"Never knew old ladies would stare so hard when a man is buying one of those things." He commented. 

Paul and I just looked at each other and busted out laughing.

Once we got back to the house, I quickly went into the hallway bathroom and took the test. 

"Wait 5 minutes," I read out loud from the instructions. "Great. Longest five minutes of my life." I mumbled to myself while still sitting on the toilet.

After the long wait, I stood up and looked at the test. 


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