Part one~

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Nicki's POV:

Nicki: Ughh. She said as she woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

Nm: Nicki!!! Get ready for school.

Nm- Nicki's mom (if you didn't know you know now:>)

Nicki: OK mom! I'll be down in a minute.

She get out of bed, do my hygiene, put my hair in two low pony tails and put my clothes on.

Nicki's outfit:

Nicki's hairdo:

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Nicki's hairdo:

As soon as I walked downstairs I smelt the sweet aroma of my mom's pancakes and eggs that she's doing

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As soon as I walked downstairs I smelt the sweet aroma of my mom's pancakes and eggs that she's doing.

Nm: took you long enough.       
Nicki: sorry i took long momma. I said before giving her a side hug.

Nm: Mhm, go eat your breakfast before it turns cold onika

Nicki: sorry momma but I'm running late for class so I'll just take them to go.

Nm: Ok bye baby, be safe and don't get your ass in trouble. She said right before she gave me a kiss on my cheek   

Nicki: don't worry momma I will. I said right before giving her a hug.

Drake: hey nicki. He says after pulling up to my drive way.

Nicki: hey drake. I said after I got into the car.

Drake: you excited for your first day of your Junior year of high school?? He says while driving

Nicki: Not really, I honestly don't want to go. She says while looking out the window.

Drake: why?     
Nicki: we only have three classes together and I just don't wanna be there,  plus I just don't wanna get bullied again. She says looking out the window with a tear coming out of her eye

(Nicki's childhood bully was Beyonce. The queen of the school. Noone knew as to why Beyonce always bullied nicki, nicki was always known as the quiet nerdy girl in class. She was afraid to go back to school since Beyonce will be there)

Drake: well maybe she's changed . He says with a slight smile

Nicki: she'll never change. She'll stay the same, rude and disrespectful.

Drake: let's just stop talking about her and  be ready for class. He says while pulling into the driveway to the school.

Nicki: whatever man. Let's just go.......                    

The end of Part one

Authors note - if you guys have any suggestions for the story please leave a comment!

Word count: 383 words♡ :>


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