part 11

182 10 4


Nicki: Beyonceeeee wake uppp she says while hitting her with a pillow 

Beyonce: I'm up I'm up damn she said annoyed 

Nicki: Sorry I messed up your morning🙄, I'll buy you a cookie to make you feel better she says with some cockiness in her tone

Beyonce: whatever

Nicki: C'mon, I'm hungry. Let's make breakfast togetherrrr 

Beyonce: Aight ma let's go she says while holding onto nicki's arm

💭Nicki:  chile I love it when she calls me that

Beyonce: So what we makin?

Nicki: Do you have any plantain?

Beyonce: Any what? She said confused 

Nicki: Never mind, don't worry bout it

Beyonce: How about we just make toast or sum

Nicki: Eww, no, that's so plain nd boring. Let's just use cereal. We gotta go shopping after school today cuz this fridge lookin empty

Beyonce: You right, You right 

🧡1 and ½ hours later🧡

Beyonce: Alright you ready to go?

Nicki: Yeah I'm just trying to put on my jeans right now.

Nicki: Actually Nevermind, I'm changing my whole outfit

Beyonce: Againnnnn??? This is the 2nd time you've changed it. Might aswell come in your underwear 🙄

Nicki: Well Excuseeeeee ME for wanting to look decent

Beyonce: You tryna say I look like a bum or sum🤨? She says with one eyebrow up with a confused expression on her face

Nicki: That came outta your mouth not mine FYI. So technically yes she says with  attitude

Beyonce: Whatever, I'm gonna wait in the living room she says, already on her way down the stairs

💚20 minutes later💚

Nicki: I'm doneeeee. How do I look she says while giving Beyonce a full 360 of her fit

Beyonce: You look pretty as hell ma, now let's go before we're late she says while walking out

Beyonce: Aight, you sure you got everything?

Nicki: Yeah I'm sure, you can go now


Nicki's fit: 

Beyonce's fit (but with sneakers instead of heels)

💕15 minutes later💕

Ariana: Girl you won't believe what happened last night she says while Nicki gets out the car

Nicki: Bye Beyy she says while waving at Beyonce. Now, what is it you gotta tell me Ariana??

Ariana: I heard Kim and Kanye broke up AGAIN and guess who's she's with 

Nicki: Who?? Just tell me

Ariana: You have to guess first

Nicki: Umm an NBA player?

Ariana: NO. She's dating Drake 

Nicki: Whattttt??? Gir be so foreal. Nicki said crossing her arms

Ariana: I'm seriousss, he was over my house and we were playing games and his phone started going off and when I asked who it was he told me guess, just for fun I guessed Kim's name and he said BINGO like who even says fucking Bingo anymore but yeah and then he let me see their messages and they were texting on insta and I'm not talking about no short or dry texts Nicki I'm talking PARAGRAPHS,PAPERS,LETTERS. That's how the texts were looking girl.

Nicki: Ouu girl let's get to class before the bell rings, I've got to hear more at lunch

Ariana: Oh yeah true. I got a chemistry test first period anyways. Bye nick she said while running to her class

Nicki: Bye ariii she said while waving at her

🐢To be continued….

Word Count: 587 words

Sorry for not updating in so long yall, I lowkey was planning on updating but got lazy and gave up😭.

Anyways goodnight/morning/ afternoon y'all <33❣️

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