part 8~

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No one's pov:

As they were playing there was two loud knocks at the front door.

Beyoncé: Coming!!

Beyonce: I'll be right back ight?

Nicki: okay. Take your time. She says with a big smile across her face while showing her pearly whites

Beyoncé: Yo you got the stuff?

Meek: Hell yea. Can we come in doe?

Beyoncé: Ight. I got a girl upstairs so don't make to much noise
Kyle: Ight let's just smoke alil and chill. Then we'll go

Beyonce: Good idea. Imma go ask nick if she wanna join

💬Meek's pov:
Nick?? I wonder who she's referring too

End of pov

Beyonce: Ayo nick! She says while walking in her room

Nicki:what?, what's wrong?

Beyonce: You tryna blow sum smoke with me and my bro? They downstate wit sum rolled up.

Beyonce: We could share one if you'd like😏. She says while smirking

Nicki: Quit it Beyonce. And sure I'll join. I won't smoke much tho

Beyonce: ight let's go

Nicki's pov;

As we were walking down her stairs I saw my worst nightmare. Him. The man who raped me, abused me, cheated on me. Sitting on her couch. I didn't know how to feel about this. Should I tell her what he did?? Ugh stop thinking so much onika! We can't ruin their friendship.. eventhough I'd like to tell her..

End or pov

Beyonce: Guys this my friend Nicki. Nicki these are my friends Meek,Joshua, Randell and Kyle.

Meek: No need for an introduction. He says while smirking at nicki

Meek: We all go back. Isn't that right onika?

Nicki:Oh uh ye.. yes that's right. She says nervously

Beyonce: Since we all know each other this'll be fun.

3 weeks later
At school (in the hall by the lockers)

Arianna: When are you gonna tell bey??,

Doja: Right! This is serious. You can't be hanging out with your rapist and abuser!

Drake: don't forget cheater

Doja: and that too

Nicki:I know it's wrong but they all seem happy together and I don't wanna be the reason Beyonce will lose her friends.

Arianna:Fuck their friendship girl. Since it's bothering you so much just come clean to her about it. If she doesn't believe you or stops messing with you that's okay. You'll still always have us anyways

Drake: speaking of that I'm gonna gonna ask latto to help with my home work. Good luck nick. Bye niglets

Arianna: Niglets???
Drake: yes now baii. He says while walking off

Doja: anyways. Go talk to her. Okay?

Nicki: Okay. I'll do it. I'll tell her after school

Arianna: ok guys. Let's go to class now cuz the bell is going to ring now

Doja; okay chill we're going

End of school

As Nicki was walking out she noticed Beyonce getting ready to drive home

Nicki: Bey wait!

Beyonce: hmm? She says while rolling down her tinted windows

Nicki: I have something really important that I have to tell you.

Beyonce: ight. Hop in, I'll drive you to my house and you cab tell me there ight?

Nicki: Okay then. She says while coming in

20 minutes later:

At the house
Nicki: okay Beyonce. What I'm about to tell you is intense so bear with me.

Beyonce:Ight. I'm all ears ma

💬Nicki: omg she called me ma😍. Ugh focus Nicki
Nicki: okay so...

🙃To be continued~

Authors note: Sorry for not updating guys😅. I was to lazy to write. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow. Stay tuned!

💥Word count: 589

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