Part 13~

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On their way to Chipotle Nicki spotted a black car following their every move, junction and all!

Nicki: Yall, am I going crazy or has that car been following us the whole way??

Ari: Maybe they're just going to Chipotle like us nick, it's not a big problem girl

Nicki: Mhmm whatever you say girl but idk. That car hella tinted too. Maybe I'm just rambling idk

Doja: Yea girl I think you are

{10 minutes go by}

{Location | Chipotle}

Drake: Alright so, Nick and Amala go find seats outside while me and Ari Order
Nicki: Alr, make sure they up-size my drink to LARGE . not MEDIUM this time .

Ari: Okay, okay, Gooo.

{Location | Outside Chipotle}
(I'm gonna change Doja's name to Amala)

Amala: Soooo.. are you gonna tell us what's going awn Nick??

Nicki: Like what? She asks with a confused look on her face

Amala: You know exactly what I mean nickkk. She says while laughing abit.

Before Nicki can open her mouth she sees a figure in a black hoodie creeping at the side of the restaurant by amala.

Nicki: Girl let's go inside like RIGHT NOW .

Amala: Why??? I don't understa-

-before she can continue Nicki grabs her hand and drags her inside to the line where Drake and Ari are.

Amala: Girl wtf was that abt?? Have you seen a ghost or smth??

Nicki: I saw someone in- in a black hoodie peeking at us . WE'RE THE ONLY ONES OUT THERE.

Drake: Alright listen, we'll just grab our food and leave after, okay?

Nicki: Alr alr.

-as they were heading out they were met with 4 big guys in black-

Amala: Umm wtf!!

Drake: Yall niggas better get tf on frl . We don't play ts

*unknown no.1- Nobody's scared of you lil nigga, fuck outta here.

Nicki: Wtf do yall even want with us?? She says in an annoyed tone

{As soon as she said that the same vehicle that followed them all the way here came up}

Kim: Hmm, looks like you've been met with my lil entourage.

Ari: Kim wtf do you even want with us rn? We're literally just coming to eat

Kim: I want my ones and I want them NOW . She says while facing Nicki

Nicki: I did not come here to fight at all . If that's what your looking for, you and all your little “guards” fuck off . She says in an annoyed tone

Kim: Aww little onika can't hold up in a fight? Too fucking bad bitch. Meet me at the park near school tomorrow evening AT 4. She says with heavy emphasis on the at.

Amala: Nick don't even pay her no mind frl, let's just go yall

Nicki: Bet, I'll be there bitch . Don't try no funny shit either ho. She says before walking back to the car.

{Location: Nicki's House}

{Time: 5:45 p.m.}

Drake: Soo, you're actually going to fight her? You know her slimey ass might try something right?? He says with a load of concern on his face

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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