Part 12~

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Nicki: Chile where is this class

Kim: Well look who decided to show up on time miss Onika

Nicki: Kim please just get out my way, I'm not trying to get into it with you rn

Kim: Well let me make something clear girlie, what you and Bey have going on needs to end, abruptly okay? Not gonna tell you this again

Nicki: We're just friends anyways idk what you so pressed about, anyways it 8 in morning I don't got time for this

Kim: Heed my warning lil girl, you'll regret not listening to me. Kim says while walking off

💭Nicki: That was weird asf, I hope today goes by smoothly


Saweetie: Hey Nick, this seat free??

Nicki: Yeah it is come sit

Saweetie: Thanks girl, I've been tryna find a seat I can sit in for like 5 minutes. These bitches won't let me sit anywhereeee, it's crazy.

Nicki: Girl I know how you feel, they keep seats but can't keep a good grade🥴

Saweetie: Stoppp that's not nicee😭😭. They both start laughing after that

(10 minutes go by)

Saweetie: Where the hell the teacher at???

???: Good Morning everyone sorry for the delay, My name is Igna Marchand but you can call me Ms.Brown or Ms.foxy. I'll be your new English teacher for this semester.

Ms.Brown: Now that that's settled please open your books to page 225.

1 hour later

Nicki: That class honestly went quicker than I thought. She says while walking out

Saweetie: Rightt, the new English teacher ain't that bad either, I think I might start liking English. She said while laughing

Saweetie: But anyways I'm gonna go find my man, I'll see you around girl

Nicki: Alr girl, Byee

{Location: Cafeteria}

Doja: Nickkk, Over here. Doja says while signaling her

Drake: Have yall seen the new English teacher?? She fine asff, yall think she'll fwm???

Nicki: She's not gonna mess with no lil boy like you Aubrey, let's be real now

Arianna: Hey guys did I miss anything??

Doja: Just Drake talking his delusions out loud again

Arianna: He just never learns does he? She says while laughing

Drake: You guys are aware that I'm still here right??

Nicki: We're just playing around with ya bud. She says while nudging him

Drake: Yeah whatever, what you guys got for lunch?? I'm hungry

Doja: You're always hungry🙄, all I have is a burrito I got omw here

Doja's Burrito:

Ariana: I have some mini pancakes with fruits, that's all.

Ari's Food:

Nicki: I got some tacos omw here, and your ass ain't getting ANYYY.

Nicki's tacos:

Drake: Yeah we'll see about that..

{30 minutes go by| End of lunch}

Drake: Y'all wanna go to the park after school and chill?

Arianna: Sure, but you'll have to drive us

Drake: Can't Nicki drive us there?

Nicki: I didn't come in my car, Bey dropped me here

Doja: Ouu, yall been getting closer after a while

Drake: Been peeped that before you🙄

Nicki: It's not what yall thinking, we're just chilling rn.

Arianna: Soo staying overnight by her is chilling?

Nicki: Yes😒, anyways I'm going to class yall, see tall after school

Drake, Doja & Ari: Byee

{Time skip| After School}

{Location| Parking lot}

Drake: Y'all ready to leave now??

Doja: Yess, hurry and start the car, I wanna stop at McDonald's to get some food

Nicki: Eww McDonald's?? Let's go Chipotle instead 😋

Drake: I don't care where we going, just decide

Arianna: Let's just go Chipotle, McDonald's nasty to me idkk

Doja: Yall so unfair🙄

🪭To be continued....

💞Word Count: 609

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