part 10*

194 10 1

15 minutes later

*ding dong*

Beyonce: I'm coming!! She said rushing to the door

As she opens the door a tall, white bald man appears at the door

Pizza delivery man: Your exact total will be $30:95

Beyonce: Ight. She says as she hands him the money

Pizza delivery man: Alright Thanks

Beyonce: Ayo Nick! The pizza's here

Nicki: Alright I'm coming!! She says as she hurriedly came down the stairs

Beyonce: chill ma, the Pizza ain't going nowhere. She says while laughing abit

Nicki: Oh sorry, I'm just really hungry that's all. She says while shyly looking down

Beyonce: It's ight, cmon, let's watch a movie while we eat. She says while walking to the living room

Nicki: Can I pick the movie???

Beyonce: Yea sure, which you picking

Nicki: Can we watch the new little mermaid movie, I love the trailer for it. She says while smiling and showing off her pearly whites

Beyonce: Yea sure. She says while searching for the movie

2 hours later⭐️
(Yall idk how long it actually lasts so bear with me😭)

Nicki: Omg I love the movie so much, we gotta watch it again!!! She says while jumping up and smiling down at bey who's drifting asleep on the couch

Beyonce: Sure just not right now, I'm hella tired, let's just go to bed. She says while rubbing her eyes and yawning

Nicki: Aww okay, let's go. She says while running up the stairs

Beyonce: Ayeee wait for me. She's says while trying to catch up

💗To be continued...💗

Sorry for the short chapter, I have to think about more ideas

Word count: 284 words

Have a good day/night🌸

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