Part 5~

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Nicki's POV:

When I  started to wake up I looked around and saw that I was in my ex's (Meek) old trap house. Once in looked up I saw other than Meek walking towards me

Meek: you miss me baby?! He says while chuckling like a mad man who just broke out of an asylum

Nicki: What do you want from me Meek???? Can't you just leave me alone for once. She says while tears start coming out of her eyes

Meek: What do you mean baby? I missed you. I've been watching you too. He says while staring at me with a grin similar to the Jokers one

Nicki: Aren't you supposed to be in jail???? She says while shouting a bit

Meek: I got my homies to bail me out bitch.

Nicki: Whatever, just please let me go. I'll do anything you want just please don't hurt me and let me go. She says while sobbing silently.

Meek: hmm. I have a great idea😈. He says while staring at her

Nicki: What, what?? Tell me

Meek: all you have to do is let me and my homies fuck. 

Nicki: what????? I'm not some hooker nigga. Don't even try to cuz I'm not gon let that happen.  She says while looking at him in disgust.

Meek: You don't have a choice either way. Well just do it ourselves. He says while smirking

Nicki: Meek please don- before she could finish her sentence Meek punched her in the face and knocked her out

Meek: c'mon out boys, let's have some fun while she's unconscious 😈.  He says while unlocking the door

(We just gonna call these dudes Randall, Kyle and Joshua)

No one's pov:

They all walk in and start unbuckling their pants 

Kyle: We usin condoms or no? He says while looking at Meek 

Meek: ye bro, let's hurry tho cuz after this I'm finna dump her ass outside and then we just gonna cross the border and go to Mexico 

All the boys: Ok

                              After they did ykyk

Meek: Ight I just finished dragging her out. Let's go now boys.

Randell: ight bro. I'm finna go get the Lambo ready. He says while looking for the keys

Meek: ight

Kyle: Ayo Meek! He says while shouting his name

Meek; what?

Kyle: What if she wakes back up and call the cops on us

Randell: truee. I was thinking the exact same thing 

Joshua: Guys guys relax. Meek good at covering up everything plus even if we or him go to jail we can easily get bailed out

Kyle; True true. Anyways let's go now guys. He says while walking out the door

Randell: ight I'm ready now, I found the keys

Joshua: Guys  where the grenade? We gotta blow this place up just in case. 

Meek: here. He says while giving him 2 grenades 

Joshua: ight thanks

Meek: ye np. Y'all ready to leave now??

The boys: ye

Meek: Ight let's go

They all left and Joshua blew up the trap house

                          ♥To be continued…..

Word count: 520

          I'll be updating this after this so ye🌸

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