Part 6~

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                    Meanwhile at the school office:

Beyoncé's pov:

Momma tina: I'm terribly sorry for my daughter's behavior Mrs.Ciccone.  she says while looking at Beyoncé sternly

Mrs.Ciccone: It's fine Mrs.knowles, it's not entirely your fault. Anyway, after all the events that happened at the school that were caused by your daughter, me and Mr.Snoop have decided that she'll have a suspension of 4 weeks for her behavior. You can bring her home now ma'am. She says while typing something on her computer 

Momma tina: Ok I understand. Thank you, have a great day. She says while shaking Mrs.Ciccone and Mr.Snoop's hand

Mr.Snoop: Yes, thank you for coming. I hope your daughter's behavior changes 

Momma tina: oh it will. I'll make sure of it. Isn't that right Beyoncé? she says while looking at Beyoncé with a fake smile

Beyoncé: yes ma'am. 

Momma tina: Great. Thanks again for informing me about her behavior. She says while walking out the office

Mr.Snoop: Not a problem

After they walked out the office and are now walking to their car in the parking lot

Momma tina: Beyoncé! What is this kind of behavior!? Your dad wouldn't be too proud when he hears this

Beyoncé: It's not like hears ever does

Momma tina: that's enough of you young lady. Backseat now! She says while pointing at the back of the call

Beyoncé: whatever mom. She says while putting hearse headphones on to listen to some music.

Beyoncé's Pov:

As I was looking out the window while my mother was driving I saw someone who look really familiar, then I realized it was nicki

Beyoncé: Momma stop the car! She says while shouting in her ear

Momma tina: What what? Did I run over a dog again????

Beyoncé; no no it's not that, I saw a girl in my class laying in the road over there. She says while pointing

Momma tina: Ok ok, go get her now. Go go

Beyoncé: Ok ok momma. She says while running out the car

Beyoncé: Hello hello!?????!?!

Beyoncé: shit. I gotta carry her now. She says while picking her up 

                    (Beyoncé's by the car now)

Momma tina: Oh my gawddd!!! Is she still alive? What happened to her?!?!!?? She says while looking at Beyoncé in the back seat

Beyoncé: she's breathing but she's unconscious. And she has marks on her skin momma. 

Momma tina: when we get home I'll call the authorities and her parents. She says while looking at the road

Beyoncé: Ok momma

                                 🎀At home🍒 

Mathew: It took you long eno-. Who is that in your arms Beyoncé?!?!??!? He says while looking at her paranoid 

Beyoncé: It's a girl from my class dad. I found her lying in the street

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