part 9~

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Nicki: Okay so, you know how I was acting kinda weird when your "friends" came over to smoke?

Beyoncé: Uh ye

Nicki: Well.. you know how I told you how I was raped that day

Beyonce: Yes

Nicki: They were the ones that did it, I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna break your friendship up. It's eating me up inside so I just had to, I'm sorry. She said with tears flowing down her cheek

Beyonce: Hey,hey, don't cry, it's not your fault. I'm glad you told me, I'll deal with them later

Nicki: Please don't confront them about it, I might get in trouble.

Beyonce: in trouble by who???

Nicki: Meek nd his friends! She said anxiously

Beyonce: Don't worry Nick, I'll make sure nun happens to you ight? She said with a big smile while showing off her pearly whites

Nicki: okay ig. She said while playing with her fingers

Beyonce: Nick we gotta go to the authorities about this tho. They raped you, all four of those bitch ass niggas. She said with anger

Nicki: Please don't, I don't want to tell anyone else about this, especially the police

Beyoncé: Nicki this is serious, they needa be taught a lesson. She said while lifting nicki's chin from the ground

Nicki: okay ig.. but not yet, I'm not ready to tell them

When would you be ready then?

Nicki: I don't know. She said with a shrug

Beyonce: well it better be soon, or else imma handle them myself. She said with a devious smirk on her face

Nicki: what would you do to them? She said with a confused look on her face

💭Beyonce: She looks so cute when she's confused. She said while thinking

Beyonce: don't worry about what I'm finna do, you'll see when I do it ok?

Nicki: um ok ig

🎀6 hours later🎀
Beyonce: I'm hungry asf what u wanna eat? she says while laying her head on nicki's thighs in the living room

Nicki: Can we get some pepperoni pizza?

Beyonce: Ight how much

Nicki: wait wym

Beyonce: Like how many boxes of pizza

Nicki: Like 3, is that good

Beyonce: whatever u think is good ma.

Nicki: Oh okay, She said while blushing

To be continued
I'm to lazy to continue so I'll leave it here💕

Word count: 397

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