Part three~

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Drake: Ayo what the fuck. He says while looking around to see none other than-

                               ~End of recap~

Beyoncé, Rihanna and Kim standing at nicki's side of the car

Drake: wtf nigga!? He says while getting out of the car

Rihanna: oh be quiet Aubrey😒. She said while rolling her eyes

Nicki: Drake let's just go. I don't wanna start anything with them. She says in a low voice while grabbing her bag.

Drake: nah nahhh, fuck that shit!!!. He said with an angry expression on his face

Nicki never saw Drake that angry before. She was so shocked that she didn't say a word.

Drake: what the fuck is wrong with you bitches. He says while clenching his fists.

Beyoncé: oh relax bitch boy. Don't you have hoes to smash or sum. She says while laughing with Kim and Rihanna.

Drake: you know what fuck this! Nicki let's just go he says while looking at her through the window.

Kim: Ye you should go listen to your daddy nicki😂😂😂. She says while cackling so hard you can hear it from the halls.

Nicki: can you guys just for please.  She said while getting out of the car.

Rihanna: or what pussy. She says while stepping up to her.

Drake: Eye Ey relax nigga. She ain't do nun. He says while putting his hand in front of her body so she won't get close to her.

Kim: guys let's just go. Kanye and the others are waiting for ussss. She says while tapping her foot against the pavement.

Beyoncé: ye let's just go. She says while winking at nicki.

💭Nicki's thoughts💭: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD SHE JUST WINKED IT ME. Fuck I gotta stop she's just a fuck hoe anyways. She says while clearing her thoughts.

(yall i dont even know if fuck hoe issa words so we finna roll with it💀)

Drake: nicki… nickiii.  NICKI. He says while shouting in her ear.

Nicki: What what. She says while getting lost in her thoughts.

Drake: They're gone. Let's go now. He says while walking over to the school.

Nicki: Ok ok I'm coming. She says while running as fast as she could.

As they got to the door all eyes were on them.

Random student: where'd you get your clothes from? The three dollar store?!?!??. He says while laughing

Other random student: nah bro she got that from dollar tree. He said while others listened and laughed 

💭Nicki's thoughts💭: ugh I wish I never came here😔

Drake: Nicki I gotta go to class see you later. He says while running to his class. 

Nicki: ye... see you later. She says while walking with her head down

Drake: don't worry Nicki, it'll all get better soon. Gotta go now. He says while finally getting to his class

Nicki smiled and continued to walk through the halls right before she got a surprise jumpscare by her friends Ariana and doja.

Nicki: Where were you guys? She said standing with her hands on her hips with her eyebrow raised.

Doja: I woke up late. She says while smiling.

Ariana: I was waiting for Frankie to get out of the bathroom. He took like two to three hours in there. She says while fake crying a little.

Nicki: Ughh whatever guys, let's just go get to class. I don't wanna be late on my first day back. She says while looking at her golden rolex.

(Damn shawty got drip, anywayz back to the story)

Doja: ye ye whatever let's go. She says while grabbing Arianna's and Nicki's hand. 

Nicki: um chile. She says while looking at doja with a stink look on her friends. (In a jokingly friendly way btw)

Doja and Arianna break out laughing.

Megan: can yall like stfu, it's like 7 sum and yall asses loud asf. She says while rolling her eyes and posing her gum.

Doja: whatever sorrow puss. She says while looking at her straight in her eyes.

Nicki: Doja! Just leave her alone. We're so sorry Megan,  we'll be more quiet next time.

Megan: yea you better, now get to class. She says while looking at them sternly.

Doja: whatever mom. She says while rolling her eyes.

Megan: I'm the prefect and hall monitor, I have the power to put you in detention, now get to class. She says chewing on her gum loudly.

Nicki: we'll be on our way now😅. She says while chuckling nervously.

Arianna: Let's go now you guys.

They all walk to class


Word count: 778💀

                              Have a good day or night💕

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