Part two~

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Recap: Nicki: whatever man. Let's just go.......             

No one's pov:


Drake: Nicki I promise you.. today is gonna turn out great. And plus you got Arianna and Amelia there with you since I'm not gonna be with you much. He says with a slight smile.

Nicki's POV:

Beyoncé's still gonna bully me regardless😔. Don't you remember what happened last time?  She says looking out the window with tears dripping down her face.

Drake: Wdym? What happened last time? He says with a hood concerned look on his face.

Nicki: lemme tell you the story. She says while still looking out the window at the blue sky and shining sun.

Drake: Okay ig… make it quick tho cuz we have to get to class soon. He says while taking off his seat belt to get more comfortable.

Nicki: Ok so…..

Nicki: So this happened last year… me Arianna and Amelia were walking outta class but when we started to get close to the lockers someone tripped me. And that someone was Beyonce, once I looked up at her she began to laugh, she just kept calling me a pathetic bitch and a little whore (yall I'm so sorry for this💀💀) then Ariana ran up to her but Rihanna grabbed her by her high ponytail and shoved her into a locker. When Amelia was about to help me up Kim came out of nowhere and pushed her against the locker next to me. When I was about to get up to help them, Beyonce grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me against the wall, she was choking me while looking straight into my eyes, I was struggling to get air, I was about to faint but right before I started getting woozy Mr.Snoop came running down the halls and Beyonce immediately let go of my neck. I fell to the ground gasping for air (poor nicki😔) Mr.Snoop told them to go to the principal's office, after that he helped Arianna out the locker then he asked some students who were walking by to call a security guard to come get Amelia from off the ground since she was unconscious, he helped me off the ground and helped me go to the nurse's office. 

                   ~New characters unlocked~

Rihanna, 17yrs old, nicki's high school bully and Beyoncé's right hand woman~

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Rihanna, 17yrs old, nicki's high school bully and Beyoncé's right hand woman~

Rihanna, 17yrs old, nicki's high school bully and Beyoncé's right hand woman~

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Kim, 17yrs old, nicki's highschool bully and Beyoncé's side chick in crime~

~Back to the story~

Drake: damn that's a lot.

Nicki: sorry 😅

Drake: It's fine but why am I now hearing about this? He said with a raised eyebrow

Nicki: I think I told you, prolly…. but anyways let's get to class before we're late. She said while taking off her seat belt to go get her bag that was in the back seat.

Before she could get her backpack from the back seat glass broke. Someone threw a rock at the window and it almost struck nicki.

Drake: Ayo what the fuck- He says while looking around to see none other than-


Who do you think hit the car?

Also, if you have any suggestions for the story feel free to leave a comment🎀

🎀Word count: 543words🌸

🌸Have a good day/night🌸

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