Part four~

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Ariana: let's go now you guys

                                   End of recap

No one's pov: 

Mr.Snoop: You three are two and a half minutes late for class, care to explain? He says while sitting on his desk with his hand on his chin.

Nicki: sorry we're late sir we-. Before she could finish her sentence Megan came in holding Beyonce by the back of her shirt.

Mr.Snoop: What is the meaning of this!? He said while raising his voice a little.

Megan: I caught her smoking on top of the roof with her friends, they ran off before I could get to them. She says while shaking her head and sighing.

Mr.Snoop: Beyoncé you have been skipping half of my classes! Care to explain why? He says while shaking his head from side to side in just palm.

Beyoncé: It's boring nigga! Ain't nobody wanna be here except for that bitch with the ponytails. She says while looking straight at nicki.

Mr.Snoop: Watch your language Mr.Knowles!  Your behavior is very unacceptable, you will be coming with me to the office. Your parents sure won't be happy to hear what you and your lil gang been doing. He says while getting off his desk.

Mr.Snoop: Thank you very much Megan. I'll make sure to tell the principal about all the good things you've been doing lately. He says with a slight smile.

Megan: Thank you so much sir, I'll be off to class now. She said while walking out of class

Mr.Snoop: Come with me Beyoncé.  He says while folding his arms.

Beyoncé: Mane fuck this! I ain't even do shit nigga! She says while looking straight at him with her arms folded.

Mr.Snoop: I've had enough of you! Principal's office NOW! He said while pointing at the door

Beyoncé: Yessir. She says while mumbling afterwards.

Mr.Snoop: Class is dismissed, you all have a free period to do whatever you want. Just don't mess up my class room. Mr.Maraj you're in charge, don't let me down. He says with a small smile and a thumbs-up.

Nicki: I'll do my best sir. She said while chuckling nervously afterwards 

Mr.Snoop: Good good. He says while walking out of the class.

Doja: Yay free period! She says while taking a jumbo bag of marshmallows out her bag

Ariana: Wow, that's a lot. How are you gonna finish that?

Doja: don't worry about what I'm doing ari, worry about yourself.

Ariana: um ok I guess-. She says while looking at her phone.

Doja: Nicki why are you so quiet? She says with a mouth full of marshmallows.

Doja: NICKI. She said while waiting for a response

Nicki: Oh- oh-. Sorry I was thinking about something.. she said while looking up at the ceiling.

Doja: like what? she said with a raised eyebrow.

Nicki: wdym?

Doja: I mean what are you thinking about, duhhh. She says while throwing a marshmallow at Nicki.

Nicki: don't worry bout it. She says while catching the marshmallow and eating it.

Doja: whatever you say girl. She says while eating more marshmallows

Nicki:mhm, now gimme sum more marshmallows. She says while holding her hand out.

Doja: ugh ok fine,here you go. She says while giving Nicki 5 marshmallows.

Nicki: Thanks boo. She says while blowing an air kiss at her.

Doja: no problem boo. She says with an air kiss as well.

Ariana: Guys can you please low your voices down, I'm trying to listen to my music.

Doja: Gosh sorry madam. It won't  happen EVER again. she said sarcastically.

Ariana: Whatever. She said while putting her head on the table

Nicki: brb guys I gotta go use the bathroom. She says while walking out.

Ariana & Doja: Mk 

As she was walking someone grabbed her into the janitors closet

Nicki: OH MY G-. She said while her sentence got cut off by the person's hand over her mouth.

Unknown person: You miss me!? They said right before they knocked her out, with a deep chuckle.

                           🍒To be continued…..

Word count: 677

                               Have a good day/night🌸

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