Chapter 4

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(A/N: Hello people, I have finally made another chapter. For why it took so long? Writers block is a pain in the a-! Anyways, this chapter will mainly focus on episode 5 of the anime, as I got stuck on what to write for episode 4... hope y'all enjoy! :> )


No one's POV

Abandoned Island

Akashi: Hmmmm... what a mystery...

Edinburgh: You mean to tell me that you've never seen this before? Isn't this a Sakura Empire secret weapon?

Akashi: How am I supposed to know about stuff like this?! All I am is a lonely repair ship remember? *starts yelling non-sense...*

???: Jumps in through window* Hello, I've returned.

Edinburgh: Welcome back Sheffield, how did it go?

Sheffield: Scout planes are still patrolling, it's safe to assume they've identified us. They know that we're hiding here.

(Timeskip cause I'm a lazy piece of garbo)

No one's POV

Azur Lane Base

Illinois is seen sitting down in the park on a bench, seemingly taking a nap.... until...

Wales: *walks up* Illinois get ready, we are heading out.

Illinois: Yes Ma'am! *gets up and stretches*

Wales: Good, glad to see you up and about now.

Illinois: *freezes* !!!


Illinois is seen using crutches to walk across the hospital room, with the assistance of a nurse. In the back, his sister Iowa was watching him with sadness etched on her face.

Nurse: That's enough practice today, your sister may now guide you back to your room. *leaves*

Illinois: ...

Iowa: ...Good to see you up and about now illy, you made some good progress!

Illinois: ... *sigh*

Flashback end


Illinois: huh?

Wales: I've been calling your name for a minute, we have to go save our ships!

Illinois: Oh... alright...

Wales: *notices sadness in his voice* Illinois... are you alright?

Illinois: H-huh? Oh y-yea, I'm fine.

Wales: Okay... *walks away unsure*

Illinois: *whispers* Miss you sisters...


No one's POV

Open waters

As everyone else was conversing on their respective ships, Illinois was seen sitting on top of his B turret, watching the sea. He had the look of sadness as he watched everyone talking, whether it being with friends or family. But, while he was in thought, someone decided to talk to him.

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