Chapter 11

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No one's POV


Illinois: A choice?

Reaper: Well you see, you effectively died, however I have the power of plot. So, you have 4 choices.

1) You can return to the living world, all fixed up and ready to battle.

2) You can return to the living world with the power of a Montana class battleship, however after the battle ends that power will be gone and you will still be damaged from Observer's attack.

3) You can send Montana to go fight in your place, while you sit in the void and watch. However after the battle is over Montana will come back here and you will take his place, fully restored.

4) ... You stay here, watch your sisters fight the battle, and be who you once were, A Memory.

Illinois: Uhhhh can I bend one of the choices a bit?

Reaper: Hm?





No one's POV

Pacific Ocean

Jersey: ILLINOIS!!!!

As all of the other siren ships are finished off, the last Orochi still stands. It has 5 layers of shields protecting it, and no one knows what to do.

Wales: What do we do...

Hood: ... We don't give up, Illinois wouldn't want that.

Iowa: I stand here for my fallen brother.


As everyone shoots at the Orochi, nothing can penetrate the shields. Eventually after an hour of nonstop firing, 1 shield finally goes down. However...

Iowa: I'm almost out of ammo...

Missouri: I'm out.

Jersey: I got one full salvo left.

Wisconsin: Number 3 turret's guns are over heated, and I'm dry on ammo.

Wales: What will we do?

Enterprise: We won't give up!

Zuikaku: But we need the power of the battleships, what can we do?!

Suddenly a bright pillar of light hits the ocean, and 2 figures are shown... one standing at 6 foot 2, and one standing at 6 foot 7.

???: Hey, heard you girls needed my help? Oh, the names USS Montana BB-67, but call me Monty.

Wales: Please help us sir, we need to destroy that ship.-

Enterprise: But the shields are too thick.

Montana: Hm. Well, let's let him get that done.

???: It's like they say... *everyone's eyes widen* It takes more than a stab to kill me.

Illinois then appears, his ship floating in the water. There is no visible damage to his ship, however he has a calm expression on his face.

Illinois: Illinois! READY TO FIGHT!

Illinois' ship then lurches forward, black smoke puffs out of his funnels. He starts to speed up as he gets closer to the Orochi then flames start to come out of his funnels.

Wales: Is he-

Iowa: Brother no!-

Montana: Don't. Trust him.

Illinois' ship then gets up to a whopping 36 knots, before his ship's bow slams into the shields, breaking all of them as they can't withstand the force and weight of his ship. Soon everyone starts to fire at the Orochi and before it explodes- it starts to regen itself?!

Illinois: No.... MONTANA FIRE!

Montana: Yes sir.

Montana's guns then go off, releasing a tremendous boom, it knocks Orochi down and almost takes it out- before it starts to fix itself again.

Montana: Well, I tried Illinois. It was great to meet ya... *whispers* See you soon, kid. *disappears*

Illinois: *thoughts* Fuck, I gotta resort to plan C. *radios* EVERYONE GET BACK PLEASE.... I'm sorry sisters.

Everyone: WAIT NO!


Reaper: What is this change you want to make?

Illinois: Let me and Montana back into the world. Montana can only fire once before he returns here. I can stay and kill the Orochi at any cost, but afterwards if I die, I die. I can't resurrect and I can't be sent back.

Reaper: Hmmmm can I ask why?

Illinois: No one knew of me before. After all these ships are defeated, then everyone can defeat anything. The factions are reunited, and my sisters will probably be sent back to my original world. However me? I can't stay in a world that holds no record of me, and I cant go to my original world, alive, because I was scrapped in the 50's. 

Reaper: ... *sigh* Your wish, is granted.

Flashback End

Illinois then loads 9 shells... specifically the W23 Katie. He then aims and fires. A huge shockwave spews across the once blue sky. Everyone had to shield their eyes, some covering their mouths to not get ash in them. After a few minutes the smoke cleared, and the Orochi... was gone. Like it evaporated. Laying in the middle of everyone, was Illinois. 

Illinois was battered. His cloths were ripped and he was bleeding everywhere. Blood soaked his hair and shirt. His left leg was gone, and his left arm was charred to almost nothing. His sword, which he used to hopefully shield himself, sat a few feet away, shattered into 3 pieces. Illinois was barely breathing, his pulse was slow. His eyes were open just the slightest, then everyone came rushing over.


Missouri: *crying* Brother help is on the way! Please just stay with us... stay with us...

Wisconsin: His breathing is slow *to Vestal* He... he isn't-


Illinois: *gasping* Jersey... you and I both know... I won't make it... just... stay calm, okay sis?

Jersey: I- I can't lose you again, brother... I can't...

New Jersey and Illinois were the closest out of all the siblings... and now? It shows how close they really were.

Illinois: Listen... everyone... I may have not lived a very long life here.... or in my first life... but I want you all... to know.... that I'll forever... cherish... you guys... *gasps for air*

Hood: Illinois, before you go... *lightly crying* I just want to tell you, I love you.

Illinois: *cracks a smile* Heh.... bout time... I love you... too Hood.

Wisconsin: Brother, we'll be okay... just breath... in... and out...

Illinois: Heh... *life is slowing fading* Remember.... I was Just a Memory... *stops breathing*

Illinois lays there, lifeless. His once kind eyes stared into the air, dull and without life. Everyone around him slowly cried, and knew, that Illinois was a one-of-a-kind memory.

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