Chapter 8

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Illinois: RAHHHHH-!

A golden arrow is suddenly shown in his shoulder...

Enterprise: ...Illinois... What have you been through?

Present Time

Enterprise's POV

Azur Lane Base

As the Starter ships get taught a lesson... Enterprise is seen walking down a hall, or more specifically, Illinois' hall.

Enterprise: *thinking* Illinois.. you are just like me... almost..-

Suddenly, she hears a scream from inside his room.

Enterprise: Illinois?! ILLINOIS!


Enterprise: Essex?


Enterprise: Helena? Laffey?! Nevermind that... sorry for this Illinois. *slaps his face*

Illinois: *GASP* AHHHHHOWWWWW WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A FUC- oh hey Enterprise. W-why are you here?

Enterprise: I came to wake you up... but you seemed to be having a nightmare... are you alright?

Illinois: Yeah. I'm fine..

Enterprise: Alright... I'll see you later. *leaves*

Illinois: *sigh* These dreams just keep getting worst.


No one's POV

Azur Lane Cafeteria

Enterprise: I really think we should help him Belfast.

Belfast: I understand you're worried about him, but you'll have to know that he isn't the safest right now.

Enterprise: Which is exactly why he needs help... I-.. I don't understand the whole human thing, but I do know that Illinois is... is not okay.

Belfast: Well, how so?

Enterprise: I walked to his dorm room this morning, to wake him up. However, I heard screaming, and it concerned me. Not just the screaming... but the names.

Belfast: Names? What names did he yell out?

Enterprise: Uhh, I think he said Essex, Laffey, and... Helena.

Belfast: Hm, well he did say he was from another world, right?

Enterprise: You're right.. Wait! That makes sense now.. He must've seen his versions of our ships in danger, get hurt,  or even... die.

Belfast: Hm, quite interesting indeed. This gives me a great idea actually...


Belfast: Yes your majesty, I would like to request these 3 ships to meet me at the docks.



Azur Lane Docks

Illinois' POV

Ugh, these nightmares are so annoying, doesn't even make me want to sleep. Looks like Enterprise and Ayanami are talking... that's nice. Hope she isn't sad.

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