Before you start reading....

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I write because it makes me happy. Writing stories like these amuses me. I'd like to think other people enjoy reading it as well. I came up with the idea for this story after seeing the gazillionth fan-fiction in which the actor falls hopelessly in love with some fan that's borderline stalker-ish. It's sad. And pathetic. So I started thinking.... what would be realistic to write about? How would an actor react to some crazy fangirl appearing in his life? How would said actor deal with it?

So I decided to write a story. But I also figured, better to write about someone I personally think is an amazing actor. That way it's easier for me to stay true to my writing instead of taking some stereotype hot male actor that already has hundreds of women drooling over him. So yeah. So this story is place in a hypothetical world in which Alan Rickman is single. No Rima Horton (who I personally really like so I felt sad having her hypothetically I didn't)

Please know that I am completely aware of the fact that the actor Alan Rickman is involved with Rima Horton. They make a lovely couple and I wish them all the best. For real. So please, refrain from making coments about this. I know. And I also know that some of you will have issues with the age difference between my main character and Alan. I. Don't. Care.

Oh, and if you don't know who Alan Rickman is, you should probably not read the story. I mean.... if you don't know who he is.... you're basically living in sin. Or under a rock for the past 50 years. So choose wisely....

.........and read at your own risk.

-Your faithfull *and slightly obsessed* author,
Samantha Wilde

P.S: the book's generaally dediated to @GalaxyCat101 because she and I were discussing how awesome Alan Rickman was and this just popped into my mind. So yeah.

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