Are you stalking me?

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Loud, obnoxious and impossibly high screaming.

That's what I was hearing as I held my cellphone away from my ear.

On the other end of the line was Jordan Hayes, my best friend and drama-queen extraordinaire.

And I had just told her I had met Alan Rickman.

That's right, the excited squeals I was hearing on the other end of the line were the sole reaction to knowing I had met someone we'd been practically drooling over for years.

"...Jordan? Jordan" I said gently, trying to get throughout to my friend "Jordan!"

"OhmygodyoumetAlanRickan!" she squealed excitedly.

"Jordan. Chill the fuck out!" I laughed, but despite my words I couldn't help the flutter of excitement that made my heart skip a beat.

"But you met Alan freaking Rickman!" she exclaimed, and I could picture her jumping up and down in excitement.

"....and I spend and hour and a half with him inside the vehicle" I added, bitch-slapping myself mentally when Jordan went into another fit of squeals and giggles.

"Tell.Me.Everything!" she demanded as soon as she got her shit together and was able to speak normally, albeit a little out of breath.

As I relayed the details of the previous night, Jordan demanded even the smallest snippet of information I could offer, and I was getting exited all over again about having met the actor of my dreams.

"Wait wait wait kissed his cheek?!?!" she finally chirped when I got to the part where Alan dropped me off at the Hotel.

I giggled.

"Yes..." I whispered in a conspiratorial matter, hating how I managed to turn this whole thing into some dramatic soap-opera episode when I was telling the tale to my best friend "But that isn't everything. This morning.....hecametomyhotelroom"

The last part I blurted out, cheeks heating up at the way I;d been dressed when Alan had appeared and the way he'd looked at me appreciatively. Gosh, I felt like such an hormonal teenager, it was kinda pathetic.

"He what?!" she shrieked.

"He came to my hotel-room to retrieve my jacket" I explained, now smiling broadly when I saw one of the mechanics wave me over, indicating that my car was okay.

"Holy crap..." Jordan breathed in awe.

"I know...." I answered.

Yup. Hormonal teenagers, I'm telling you.

"So? What are your plans for the day?" Jordan inquired after a brief silence in which we were both left to our own thoughts "You're still coming over right?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course" I agreed "Once my car is fixed I'm driving up to your cabin. But...I have to be back in London tonight"

I could practically hear Jordan pouting

"We went over this Jordan" I reminded her " would come over for dinner, crash at your place, spend the day with you and return in the evening"

"Yeah but... you missed dinner. And already you've skipped breakfast missy" Jordan complained, and I had to laugh at my friends antics.

"Now you sound like my mother Jo" I said teasingly.

"No no my dear, your mother would rant on to you in that dreadfully proper English accent of hers" Jordan reminded me, doing a very poor imitation of my mother's British accent.

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