50 Shades of Alan

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There was a restlessness to the air.

An vibe of urgency was humming like electricity in the office the next day when I came back from my 12 a.m meeting.

I had decided to take the three flights of stairs to the floor where my office was at, feeling slightly at edge myself. My mind was still going over the previous night, wondering if it had really happened. Eating a tub of Ben & Jerry's with Alan, talking, laughing, joking around....it felt surreal. The fact that we spent hours on end talking was enough to cause me to smile.

But now something was different.

The morning had gone by uneventfully. Meeting, reports, evaluations...it all went by in a blur as I thought about this thing between me and Alan. This was all starting to sound too good to be true. Too surreal. Like one of the many soap-opera's I'd grown up watching when I was little. Someone like him, someone famous, why would he settle for someone like me? Someone so young, so inexperienced? What was he expecting to get out of this relationship?

As I pondered those questions I was walking in the direction of my office. For some reason I felt like I was being watched, and I caught a couple of people looking at me. The furtive glances of my colleagues and co-workers didn't pass unnoticed.

It was also then that I saw Stacey waving at me from her desk. The door to my office was ajar, and I saw her worried look as I made my way over to her desk.

"What is it, Satcey?" I asked her.

She swallowed, a delicate blush staining her cheeks as she looked at me.

"I eh...-there was a call for you. There is an emergency meeting for some of the senior partners ans junior associates" she told me, eyes avoiding mine.

"...when?" I inquired, unsure what was going on but sensing something was off.

"Right now" she answered "Meeting room 3B"

I nodded, but before I could turn around she stopped me.

"Have you...-have you read today's newspaper?" she inquired gently, worried eyes meeting mine.

"Yeah, why?" I muttered, looking at her strangely.

"I meant Hello Magazine..." Stacey told me, reaching under her desk and taking out the tabloid.

"You know I don't read those magazines...." I said with a shake of my head, taking the paper from her.

"Check page 6" Stacey whispered.

My brow furrowing I thumbed through the brittle pages, eyes scanning the contents of the magazine.

I didn't have to wonder long. The moment I reached page six my eyes were immediately drawn to the picture on the bottom left part of the page.


It was a picture of me.

With Alan.

In my office.

...last night.

The picture itself was quite scandalous. Mainly because it clearly showed me straddling Alan's waist, his hands on my waist, my hair disheveled as we kissed. The lighting in the office was dimmed, but clear enough to make out with quite a degree of certainty that it was indeed Alan and I.

Well at least you look hot, my subconscious supplied.

Now my eyes skimmed the text next to the image.

And what I read made me flinch.

After Hours: Alan Rickman's Extracurricular Activities

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