Crazy Fangirl

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I always thought that if I ever got to meet one of my favorite actors, I'd flip out completely, do something terribly embarrassing and farngirl all over him.

Turns out, I was right.

What I did't know though was that my whole life would change with that single encounter.

But then again....wasn't that what life was all about? Moments of impact? Fractions of time in which the world seems to tilt on it's axis, changing everything and nothing? Moments in which your whole life changes, and you're no longer the person you were before?

As it turns out, I owe most of it to my piece-of-shit car.

That's right. The piece of junk on wheels I'd lovingly refer to as the suicide-wreck, were what eventually led to what was probably the most embarrassing moment in my entire existence....

I know! Who would have thought?!

There's two kinds of people in this world: those who look great in anything, no matter if they've just woken up or spend a double shift at work, and those who look like roadkill peeled off the highway after a specially sunny day.

I fit into the latter.

You see....I was stuck. Utterly and completely stuck.

As it turns out, on this bright winter evening when the sun was setting, my car had decided to die. In the most literal sense of the word it had stopped functioning altogether, with little or no warning to spare and leaving me stranded in he middle of fucking nowhere alongside a small country road. Cursing under my breath I'd only had time to let the car roll to a stop on the side of the road, which was practically in a ditch overgrown with shrubbery and plants, since the road itself was a narrow asphalted road that turned and bet and twisted for miles and miles, surrounded by what was probably the thickest patch of forest I'd ever laid eyes on..

And right now I was cursing my miserable existence, praying for the floor pedals to magically start working again. Luckily the engine was still running, although white fumes were bellowing from underneath the azure hood of my beetle. And nothing, not the gas, not the brakes,nor the gear-shift, would work.

Just my luck that it was getting dark fast, and night was approaching rapidly.

Cursing under my breath and huddling deeper into my jacket, I'd tried to keep my hands warm by breathing onto them and rubbing them together as I tried to open the hood of my tiny beetle. To no avail, I might add. First of all I couldn't even find the freaking latch inside the car to pop open the hood for the tiniest fraction, let alone find the source of my injured vehicle once I was actually looking at the engine. The mass of coiled steel tubes and warped rubber cables could have been the inner workings of a space-ship for all I knew. And with my bad circulation acting up it wasn't long before my hands were turning a deadly shade of white, my fingernails an even scarier shade of purple and my ass nearly freezing off while my car was still dead as a doornail.

Admitting to the fact that I was about as useful as a white crayon when it came to repairing my car, I locked myself inside my vehicle in the hopes of regaining a little body warmth while figuring out my next move.

First step: call the AA and pray they'd send someone soon to fix my car.

With that thought on my mind I reached for my purse, hauling it from underneath the passenger-side seat. It was a monstrous bag, and as I turned on the overhead light it flickered dimly to life, the darkness outside quickly setting over the forest.

"Goddammit!" I cursed as the head flickered before turning off. The engine of the car was still running, but luck wasn't on my side as I started rummaging through the depths of my handbag.

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