A Song of Ice and Fire

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"What. The. Fuck" Jordan was speechless.

Which was dangerous.

If the screaming when I told her I'd met Alan Rickman had been any indication, and the Hurricane-like reaction I'd gotten when I told her I'd kissed him at the party..... I was sure it would be an atomic-bomb kinda thing when I informed her of my date with the Actor we'd both been drooling over for years.

"Ehh....Jor?" I asked, standing in front of my closet with a towel wrapped around my body "Are you still there?"

"SERIOUSLY?!?!" she shouted "He asked you out on a date?!?! Alan-freaking-Rickman is taking you on a date?!"

"Woman....calm your tits" I laughed, shaking my head at my friends reaction. Truth was I was just as anxious as Jordan sounded, only I was doing a better job at hiding it.

"Girl, you're going out with the man who's in most of my wet dreams-" Jordan mused before I cut her off.

"-Jordan...please don't say that. I'm going out with him in like an hour..." I muttered, unable to stop the blush from creeping up my neck.

"So? I't probably all the action I'm going to get while you go out with that hot piece of ass!" Jordan exclaimed at the other end of the line.

I sighed in desperation, knowing fully well that she wouldn't shut up about it. Hell, I probably wouuldn't either.

"Okay. What eer you goinng to wear?" she demanded instantly.

"Thats why I was calling Jor" I said with a chuckle "That and to gossip"

"Bitch" Jordan muttered amicably "I feel soo loved and sheltered right now..."

"Takes one to know one" I sang, smiling at my friend's sarcasm.

We'd always bantered like that. Insults included. I mean, that's just who we were. Besides, friends are those who you can insult terribly, and they don't get mad or offended. No, they smile, turn around and call you something worse.

"I think you're just calling to rub it in!" Jordan complained.

"...duh" I said, rollinng my eyes as I put the phone on speaked and dropped it on my bed.

"And don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" Jordan laughed from the other end of the line.

I just snickered.

"Okay... back to buisness: what are you going to wear?" Jordan demanded sounding overly excited.

"I don't know yet" I said exasperated.

"When is he coming?" Jordan was a woman on a mission and I loved how invested she could get in things as random as helping me search for an outfit for a date.

"In like an hour" I shrugged, looking up at the clock that hung on the wall.

"Then we need to hurry" Jordan admitted.

Searching through my closet I was about to take out a little black dress and try it on to ask about Jordans opinion.

"Don't wear the black dress"Jordan chided me.

"How-How'd you know I was trying on the black dress?" I wondered out loud, eying my cellphone suspiciously, hand on the zipper of my dress.

"Because I know you, querida" Jordan admonished.

I snorted. It was eerie how well my best friend knew me. Although....I wouldn't put it beyoond her to place secret cameras in my house. She could do that.

"Hey! Why don't you wear that sexy red dress you got last year?! The one with the lace and knitted back that makes your boobs look great?!" Jordan exclaimed, like it was the best idea ever.

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