In The Scheme of Things

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"....Kitten....we're here" Alan asked, his voice a low rumble that roused me from the mindless state I was in as I looked out the car window, the sand dunes along the rode covered in tall grass. 

The window was cranked partially down, the smell of salt heavy in the air as the rush of the ocean and the rustle of the wind reached my ears, the heat of the sun stifling as I sat curled up on the passenger seat of the car.

Alan was behind the wheel and my mind was on different things. He'd been so supportive about the whole business with my family, and with my birthday party and all that, I was still trying to process it all properly and wrap my mind around things. 

So we'd decided to go on a little field trip.

And by 'we decided' I mean that Alan had practically kidnapped me and demanded my sole attention for the remaining three days of our trip to Spain. I'd agreed wholeheartedly, of course, but I'd insisted on choosing the location for out little 'getaway'. Alan had reluctantly agreed, and after saying the necessary goodbyes to my friends I'd packed up my suitcase and joined Alan in the vehicle waiting to take us on a little trip.

Of course, Alan was a guy, so he'd insisted on driving. Maybe it had been my reckless driving of the previous day or maybe he just wasn't too keen on the thought of having to play second chauffeur while I drove through the countryside. It must be something genetic, something male-specific, that desire to drive a car while the girl sits on the passenger seat, I thought as I doze off as the car sped down the highway. That had been a few hours ago. I'd indicated the general direction we should be taking and told him to wake me when we got to a certain point along the coast. 

It was warm, the afternoon sun burning down heavily on the roof of the car. My legs were folded underneath me, the chair inclined slightly backwards as I'd rested my head against the recliner in an attempt to divert my thoughts from the haunting encounter with my parents. 

"...-what?" I asked with a yawn, stretching my arms out and rotating my neck to loosen the tension that had built up in between my shoulders as I'd taken a little nap while Alan drove.

"The town you said would be around here? We just passed the sign" Alan informed me with a gentle smile playing across his lips as he glanced my way. His hand found its way to my knee, rubbing comfortable circles on the skin as he smirked when I gave a protesting squeak.

"-Stop that!" I hissed in mock annoyance, slapping away his hand as I stretched my legs out in an attempt to dissipate the tingling sensation that had started to prickle my lower limbs like needles.

"What?...-don't tell me you're ticklish now, Kitten?" Alan said mockingly as he smirked as I huffed at him in indignation, brushing a few wayward strands of hair from my face.

"You know damn well I'm ticklish Alan" I told him sternly, narrowing my eyes at him as he just chuckled in amusement.

"Easy Kitten, just...relax" Alan said with a knowing smirk as he placed a hand on my knee. But I could see from the twinkle in his eye that this discovery about me being ticklish was all but over for him.

I was initially very suspicious, but when he didn't move his hand or attempted to tickle me again I relaxed a bit.

"Now where to?" he asked me kindly, diverting my attention, nodding his head towards the road ahead.

"Turn off the highway once we reach the exit to Matalascañas" I said with another yawn, but this time I was distracted by Alan's hand gently squeezing my knee. My breath caught in my throat, but seeing as he wasn't exactly doing anything I closed my mouth and kept silent instead.  When his fingers gently started massaging my upper thigh I couldn't help it when my eyes fluttered close on a content sigh. It was very relaxing to have Alan so near me, and his hand gently tracing patterns on my skin was anything if not relaxing. It was comforting to have a constant reminder of his presence, and I felt like I needed it just like he needed to reassure himself that I was allright.

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