Playing the Part

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Today was the day.

My mind had gone into overdrive the moment Alan had called me up two days ago. It was like I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I would get to see Alan-freaking-Rickman acting on set. In a movie.

Holy crap.

Now all that was left were my frayed nerves. Questions and doubts swirling in my mind like angry bees inside my head, buzzing and causing this incessant thrum in my ears.

I'd called work to notify Stacey that I wouldn't be coming in today. Malcolm had immediately texted me, asking me if I was too busy 'jumping Alan Rickman's bones' to come in for work (his words, not mine).

Lyanna had just shaken her head when I told her of my plans this morning. She still wasn't very accepting of my relationship with Alan, but she'd quieted down and no longer insisted on calling me out on it. Which was a relief. I loved my sister, and knowing she didn't approve of my personal relationships was hurtful.

Jordan had gone through the roof with excitement when I told her I'd be accompanying Alan to an actual movie set and see him in action.

At least someone was excited about my day's events.

Sighing I gave myself a final once-over in the mirror, trying to find something wrong with the reflection staring back at me. I had chosen to dress in a pair of black jeans, and knee-high black boots, matching it with a pale dove grey sweater with a v-neck. Pulling my hair up into a pony-tail I was pleased with the way I looked, feeling like I wasn't over-or under-dressed.

All in all I was really excited, feeling very good about the fact that Alan wanted me to see his work, to see him working and apparently to introduce me to the people he worked with.

My phone buzzed, and I looked down to see it was a text from Alan saying he was downstairs.

Rushing down to meet up with him I was surprised to see a towncar waiting there, Alan standing next to it, holding open the door to the backseat.

Smiling widely at him I stood on my tippy toes I kissed him, smiling against his lips when he wrapped an arm appreciatively around my waist.

"Good morning" I whispered, a little out of breath.

"Well good morning to you too" Alan murmured.

Laughing I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me onto the back seat of the car. He was giving me a funny look, and I just smiled at him.

The car had a driver, and once we were seated the car got into motion. I wasn't really paying any attention as to where we were going, and instead focused on the man seated beside me. We spoke little during the journey, and I was more than happy to just enjoy his company. The fact that we could remain silent and not feel the need to speak was comforting. Something a silence says more than words ever could.

After maybe a half hour we reached a big asphalt parking lot, with looked like huge warehouses surrounding it. Three large concrete buildings housed the sets to several movies and TV shows, and whereas from the outside the place looked rather bare, I expected the inside to be much different.

Alan was leading me inside, a hand placed comfortably at the small of my back. He seemed to know the place, but I worried about finding my way through the maze of corridors, storage rooms filled with props and sets to all sorts of places. When we finally arrived at the movie set I was happy to see several dozen people milling around, all busy with their respective jobs. The stage was divided into resembling the interior of a house, consisting of a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom. The high ceiling of the building allowed for a very spacious air, and props were being brought in by several people. There was an air of purpose to the place, and I was looking around wide-eyed and curious.

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