We Do Not Sow

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So people, this next chapter is slightly different than the others. No Sam in this one. This chappie will be all all about Alan. And Lyanna. A bit of a diversion from the original POV (Samantha's) to give some insight in the other characters.

I want to thank @UniGal96 for all the invaluable work she did by helping me write this chapter. This story wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for her continuous support and encouragment. She's my Nr. 1 Gal and her works (The Beauty and the Beast- a HP Severus Snape fanfic) is bloody brilliant. Her writing is amazing and I'm honored to have her help me out with this chapter.

Love ya gurl!

Sam out.

*Oh and extra credit if you get the GoT references in the title as well as in the chappie....

It had not been easy to find him. In fact, finding a celebrated, world famous film and theatre acting legend in metropolitan London and managing to surpass security without raising any suspicion or questions, was actually not far from the equivalent of looking for a needle in haystack. Even Lyanna had found her immensely talented stalking skills to be challenged. It had certainly been almost impossible. The rebellious sixteen year old had been close to giving up and turning around to go home. But she had to do it. She needed to do it for Samantha. And, Lyanna had grudgingly admitted that morning when she was typing 'Alan Rickman, theatre perfomances London' into the Google; she supposed that meant she was doing it for the abuelito too. Which made her silently wrench and vomit. But with Samantha came Alan.

The Internet had been useless. Lyanna had grumbled and swore under her breath as she surfed the Internet for any detail of Alan's theatrical performances in London so she could track down and deck the man, whom she was fondly calling Actor-Who-Will-Have-No-Balls. Or, in conjunction with her obsession of Game of Thrones, she was starting to call him 'Reek' during the entire morning when she was searching for his possible working whereabouts during the day. Lyanna had slowly come to realise that searching for his possible whereabouts on the Internet was redundant.

'What fucking actor has this level of privacy on the Internet!? Can't find a single thing about him..." Lyanna growled, scrolling down various web pages.

And it wasn't like she was going to go to Samantha. No way in hell. This had to be done all under the hush hush. Lyanna needed to see the abuelito and tell him to either:

a) go die under a rock (Lyanna would happily offer him a rock to do so)

b) grow some cojones and listen to her. Realize why he has been such a prick to her sister and why he needs to go and get her back.

Alan had hurt her sister. End of discussion. For Lyanna, watching her sister near collapsing from Alan's reaction to meeting her husband, was difficult. Sam was not an emotional girl; she was rational, and down right honest-especially about herself and her own circumstances. Sam never dramatized situations, or reacted dramatically. Her brutal honesty kept her level headed. Except that damn abuelito had changed all of that. Lyanna had gradually noticed that anything concerning Alan, was suddenly a major priority and emotional circumstance for Sam. It was undeniably clear to Lyanna that Samantha loved Alan.

And now?

That fucking abuelito had walked out on her. Without allowing Sam to explain. Without even looking back.

In Lyanna's opinion, that made Alan a coward, undeserving of her sister.

But she endured. Lyanna was fed up; her sister had vanished into the hell whole of her office, and had yet to return. Malcolm had contacted Lyanna and asked if she had seen Sam since her permanent residence at her office. Lyanna had angrily retorted that some actor had fucked off and turned her sister into an emotional wreck.

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