Silver Fox

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Diclaimer: none of the political views expressed in this chapter should be taken as personal. I just did some research amd tried to represent some opposite views. All I know is that in real life Alan Rickman is indeed a Labour voter and helps fund the Labour Party campaign.....

My special thanks to UniGal1995 who helped me inmensely with writing this chapter. I hope its not too dry or boring. The next chapter will be more exciting and with more funny moments. I just wanted a bit of seriousness amonsgt all this awkwardness.

Nervousness took hold of me when I looked up from my laptop and realized Alan would be picking me up four our lunch-date soon.

I had been working tirelessly for the better part of the morning, going in early to review some reports with a couple of employees and having a staff-meeting before the main offices opened at eight.

My mind was sharp and focused, and I'd been typing away furiously at some report detailing the efforts that went into time-consuming and rigorous regulation checks which then were followed up by, you guessed it, even more reports! The bottom line was that not much was being done about some necessary investments when it came to security and safety at some of our more remote and off-site locations.

Sighing I pressed my fingers against my temples, considering getting up and maybe get myself a bagel and some coffee to keep me going. Instead I checked the clock and nearly hit the ceiling when I realized it was almost lunchtime.

Forty-five minutes before Alan Rickman walked into the office.....


I was about to start doing some breathing exercises to try and not panic at the thought of people I worked with seeing me leave with no other than Alan Rickman, when another thought occurred to me.... what if they didn't know him as an actor and just focused on what everyone else would be seeing: one of their Senior Partners a.k.a boss heading off with some man old enough to be her father?


I hadn't really thought this through.

Panicking on the inside I mentally did the math. Bloody hell, Alan was easily twice my age-more even. I mean....I had known that. I had. But it hadn't really settled in until now. Funny, how you make up your mind at a determined point in time and when the time comes, everything changes. I'd always told myself that a 9-year age gap was like the most I'd be willing to put up with. Maybe 12. And here I was, dating Alan-freaking-Rickman, a man who was over four decades my senior.

And yet, it didn't seem to matter.

...At least, for me it didn't. Of course I couldn't know what Alan thought about all this. He was difficult to read as it was, let alone try to guess what was going on in his closed-off mind.

Maybe he would think I was too young. Too inexperienced. Or maybe he was just using me....

For what, sex? my subconscious reprimanded me, like you wouldn't be down for that.....and even if that were the case, do you really think he'd go through all this trouble, deal with all this crazy fangirling and shit, just to get laid? Like the guy hasn't girls throwing themselves at him all over the place.....


Which meant that even for the smallest part, his feelings towards me were genuine.

There was a soft knock on the door of my office, and then Stacey' head peered around the door, smiling when she saw me.

"I paged you on your cell just now but there was no answer" she said with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Stacey"I answered her sincerely "My mind is just....elsewhere"

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