Latino Temperament

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"....Sam?" my sisters shrill voice rang out from behind me.

I wanted to be angry. I really did. And I kind of was. I mean, my sister had just walked in on me and Alan. If there ever was suck a thing as a cock-block it was this. I could have throttled her right then and there.

Couldn't she like come back later?, my subconscious reprimanded me for thinking that, but the truth of the matter was that there were other things on my mind other than explaining this mess to my little sister.

Alan chuckled, I could feel the rumble of it in my chest, and I realized that I'd said it out loud. Again. I really needed to start keeping my mouth shut.

This was only confirmed by the angry look my sister threw at me.

But it also cause another emotion: fear. I knew my sister, and I also knew all hell was about to break loose. She'd been angry at not meeting Alan and now she'd found us in a rather....compromising position on the couch.

"Lyanna" I breathed, breath hitching in the back of my throat as Alan shifted underneath me, causing a delicious friction where our bodies touched. It was thrilling, knowing that he was like that for me.

"Who-who is that?" she asked, her voice dangerously low. I knew that tone of voice all too well. I used it whenever I was really pissed off.

"Lynn...." I muttered, unsure what to say next. This situation couldn't possibly get any more awkward. I could feel exactly how....excited Alan was, and I was still straddling his waist.

And Lynn hadn't quite been able to get a proper look at him. I was looking at my sister over Alan's shoulder, so all she could see were his shoulders, his back and the back of his head.

Biting my lip I gingerly raised myself from Alan's lap, my feet padding the wooden floor as I stood up. My hair was a mess, tumbling in wayward strands down my shoulders, my lips swollen from Alan's kisses, and my clothing disheveled.

All in all, I looked thoroughly kissed.

Which in my opinion wasn't a bad thing.

Quite the opposite, actually.

Hell, thoroughly kissed by Alan Rickman.....I should get an award or something.

"So that's why you needed the house, eh?" Lyanna spat out angrily.

"Lynn-" I tried again, only to be interrupted.

"No!" she snapped "You didn't want me to meet him, and instead you trick me into leaving the house to have your sneaky boyfriend over and make out on the couch...."

I flinched at her words, wondering how Alan would react to the fact that I hadn't wanted him to meet Lyanna just yet.

Apparently not very well.

I heard him stand up, and felt his presence behind me as he faced my sister.


Lyanna paled visibly as she saw Alan, eyes darting from him to me and back.

"En serio?!" she yelled "Tu maldito novio es un viejo pervertido? Por eso no me querías decir?! Porque te averguenzas de él?!"

Which roughly translated to: Seriously?! Your goddamn boyfriend is some old pervert?! Is that why you wouldn't tell me about him?! Because you're embarrassed?!

And the fact that she was speaking Spanish only showcased how truly upset she was. We only switched back to Spanish whenever we got emotional or upset.

"No. No te quería decir porque no lo entenderías. No lo entiendes! Temía que reaccionarías justo como lo haces ahora...." I tried to calm her.

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