Drunken Confesssions

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I was officialy drunk.


I mean.... what the hell kind of response was "Holy crap you kissed me"?!

After Alan pulled away, my entire body was still aware of where his lips had been moments ago, my own still tingling from the intensity of his kiss.

He was looking down on me, a small smile playing across his lips.

"I suppose I did" he murmured gently, brushing away a strand of my hair and pushing it back beehind my ear.

And I giggled.

I fucking giggled.

Yeah, thats how inmature I was being.

Alan just shook his head, a smile still playing across his lips as he passed a hand through his hair

"Maybe I should go home" I said, afraid I'd embarrass myself further if I continued to be in this man's prescence.

"Indeed" Alan agreed, clearly noticing my intoxicated state.

Awkwardly I started in the direction of the door, where the coat hangers were. Alan was close on my heels, and I was startled to see that many people had already left. Apparently my conversation with Alan had lasted quite a lot longer than I had initially thought. I couldn't see Douglas though, and found myself relieved. I'd just say I had left inn a hurry of something, if he even bothered to ask, that is.

Alan, being the perfect gentleman, helped me into my jacket as I tried to remain standing upright in these demonic heels. SSlipping on his own jacket we proceded to take the elevator to the ground level, where we exited the building, the cold air hittinng us with strength.

"...my car is over there" I mumbled, pointing in the direction of the Mercedes.

His eyebrows inmediately shot upwards as he looked at my car. I then proceeded to try and walk in a straight line towards it, which turned out to be like freaking Mission Impossible. My hand was scrambling uselessly in my purse in search for my car keys as I walked on unsteady legs.

"And where the hell do you think you're going?" Alan's deep timmbre rang out from behind me, and soon I felt a hand wrap tightly around my upper arm.

Spinning me around I felt a wave of dizzyness come over me, and I blinked up at Alan's deep chocolate eyes only to find a worried and preoccupied ook onn his face.

Holding up my car keys, which by the grace of the Olymipan Gods and Merlin the Wizard I had managed to locate in the eternal chaos that was my handbag, I smiled up sweetly at the handsome man standing in front of me.

"Home?" I said with a shrug.

".....you seriously think I'm going to let you drive when you're clearly drunk?" Alan said incredulously, the concern clear on his face.

"...maybe?" I tried, pouting when he shook his head and suddenly snatched my writs in an iron grip, trying to take my keys from me.

He hadn't accounted for three things. 1) I was stronger than he thought, and was holding onto my keys with a fierce determination, and 2) I was wearing impossibly high heels, whilst my coordination was already shady to begin with, and 3) I was drunk.

So when I stumbled yet again his arm was around my waist to prevent me from falling as I teetered on my high heels, holding onto him while also trying to keep a firm grip on my keys.

"Samantha......give me the keys" he grumbled, his tone of voice suggesting he was clearly not amused by the sudden turn of events. His eyes told a different story though, darkening as my body was pulled flush against his in my drunken tumble.

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