The Girl On The Beach

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[A/N: Timeskip go yeet~! By lets say, oh 500 years? hahahahahaha~! But Diluc discovers Lumine while she is still sealed away in her slumber. In all my genshin fanfics Lumine claims she is about 18 years old(she just small 18yr. old those do exist!! lol) but she is in reality at least 518yrs old. Also I attached a song for the Monstandt arc so I hope you enjoy. :D ]


The weather today was not exactly ideal. A strong wind blew rustling the leafless branches and billowed the snow into curving dunes that shimmered in what little light there was. But yet the promise of the long winter coming to a slow end hanged in the air. It did not hold the same bite it had weeks prior as it once did. Critters and monsters though still took to the safety of their shelters as the crunch of boots moving through the snow in the woods muffled by the wind could be just barely heard. 

The towering and steep cliffs that loomed over the bare once leafy trees and towering firs still a familiar sight for the the figure moving through the forest. Upon closer look as he neared the shoreline's coast the figure was male. He stood at about 5'10 feet tall with fiery red hair that fell past his shoulders in a loose, low hanging ponytail. His sharp eyes the color of brilliant rubies, stern but cynical. His built was slender and skin fair as the wind bit at his face. a grunt escaping him as he pulled his black fur lined coat closed tighter with a black and crimson gloved hand. His appearance was well maintained and kept with his white dress shirt and black pants and ebony leather belt. The distinct glow of red from an orb at his belt dancing wildly with his movements and the wind a clear sign at the flame symbol at the heart of the sphere. 

This man was a Vision holder, an allogene. But not just any person as he arrived at the sandy shoreline. This was the young master of the famous Dawn Winery of Monstandt, Diluc Ragnvindr of the Ragnvindr Clan. Diluc had come here after rumors of some kind of disturbance had reached his ears through his network of informants. An odd light had suddenly appeared that warranted his investigation lest it proved dangerous to his beloved homeland of the anemo archon. 

"Now where could it be?"he wondered out loud as he started to comb the area. However something caught his attention in the corner of his eye coming from the stormy sea. "Hm?" He squinted his eyes to try and get a better sight of the object and what he saw made his eyes grow wide. There at the rocks being tossed by the tide was a human. One quick step turned into another and another before long he was full on sprinting towards the shallows. To his surprise and dismay was a petite woman unconscious as he reached over and heaved her ashore and safely into his arms. "So small...but what was she doing here? Did she wash ashore? Was there a shipwreck at sea?"he thought in wondered as he checked to see if she was even alive. A steady, slow pulse and rise and fall of her ribs proved she was alive. But she felt stone cold to the touch and was soaked to the bone. 

He looked around to see if there was any evidence of wreckage but none could be seen. None except the blonde girl in his arms. The most puzzling was this strange black and red energy that would wisp around her body briefly before it vanished and turned black and teal and back again. What had happened to this girl? By her fair features she was probably in her late teens just inching towards twenty. But she could not stay here; she would surely freeze to death. Maybe he could take her to the church and the knights? 


That was not an option and they were so inefficient and could not be trusted. No he would take her back to his family's manor at the winery. So mind made up he carried her out of the woods and went straight for home.

The Dawn Winery at first glance was like any other vineyard orchard with its rows upon rows of grape vines

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The Dawn Winery at first glance was like any other vineyard orchard with its rows upon rows of grape vines. Well it usually had them but with winter the once green fields were now barren and blanketed in a sea of white. The majority of the staff gone for the evening as the young redhead fumbled with the door knob before growing impatient and giving it a slight kick to open it while balancing the girl in his arms. The maids and butlers alike letting out a startling squeak at the sight and sudden noise. 

"Master Diluc wel — Oh my!?"the maid began before yelping in surprise at what or rathe whom he was carrying. 

"Adelinde contact the doctor from Liyue would you? Also would you mind preparing a room for this girl here please?"he asked quickly.

"Right away young master."bowed the head maid respectfully. Swiftly the young maid turned to her co-workers. "You heard him, hop to it."

"Yes ma'am!"they agreed and made haste rushing in opposite directions. Meanwhile Adelinde personally had rushed ahead of Diluc up the stairs to a spare guest room. The head maid wasted no time nor effort and had the room ready within just a few minutes. The room was large and had white creamy walls with dark wood and grey stone fireplace that had just been lit with a warm fire. Swords and shields with the clan's coat of arms hanging over the fireplace while scenic paintings adorned some of the walls. Tall, narrow window with plush window seat with soft dark crimson throw pillows could also be spotted with velvety curtains. On the other side was a cedar or pine wooden framed bed with cream sheets and a thick tan quilt. Antique décor and tall planted flora also could be seen decorating the shelves and counters and table tops. While over head on the wooden ceiling hanged a long chandelier. 

"I will entrust her to you Adelinde. See to it that she's treated with the utmost care."Diluc instructed.

"Of course, Master Diluc."the head maid assured as Diluc set the blonde girl down on the couch by the fire. 

Satisified he took his leave closing the door behind him. But as he walked towards his own private quarters and office his mind wandered back to that petite girl he found washed ashore. Just what had happened to her? What was that strange energy that would appear around her on occasion? It was so blatantly odd and suspicious. Was she a victim or was this some kind of ploy? So many questions but none of them seemed to have answers...yet. He would just have to be patient. After all good things came to those willing enough to watch, listen, and wait. So wait Diluc would and then he'd get his answers.

To Be Continued....

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