Like Fire And Ice

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[A/N: Lumine finally awakens from her seal but now there is a new problem. Lumine doesn't understand anything being said nor can she speak their language. Wait a minute...Kaeya can understand her!? But for some reason she seems frightened and confused over everything. Also enjoy a song I put for my favorite genshin brothers, Diluc and Kaeya. Lumine is speaking Khaenrian and will for a bit here while she learns to speak Teyvet's language. This will be shown in bold as I can't write another language worth crud!! And If I did know how I would have written Khaenrian in Italian or Greek as it seems to have heavy inspiration from those places. lol]



Diluc was not at all impressed to see this estranged member of his family. His glare and harsh expression a dead give away as the cheeky bluette easily swerved around him to enter the room. "Get out. I do not recall ever inviting you here."he stated coldly as he walked over to him. Had he followed them here or had he been as usual up to his sly tricks? He did not know but he did not like it. What he really didn't like was how close Kaeya was to his guest as he leaned over.

"So this is your lil' mystery girl you fished up? Not a bad looking young woman."hummed Kaeya. 

Diluc though was fast to pull him away by the collar of his cape and jacket, "I don't know what you're planning but you're not going near her."

"Oh whatever do you mean dear brother?"Kaeya asked freeing himself from his grip. The two young men's bickering though had caused the girl in the bed's hand to twitch.


What was so loud?

Whatever it was she could only feel this claustrophobic, dark void of nothingness. The suffocating and stifling feeling of chains on her very existence. "No I won't tolerate this anymore. I'm almost there!"she thought with a stubborn whimper escaping her as outside her mind the dark energy began to grow wild, startling the boys. Their voices she could finally hear them but she could not understand anything they were saying. Soon as the strange energy appeared it had vanished, shattering like glass to fall in particles of light.

"What the hell was that!?"Kaeya yelped.

"I'm not sure. Lisa said somebody put a seal on this girl."Diluc explained as he dusted himself off. However seeing the girl begin to stir and move his interest peaked. "She's waking up."

"I can see that genius, maybe her seal broke."noted Kaeya as the girl's eyes began to open.

Eyes of a brilliant honey amber opened blearily before blinking a few times to clear her sight. Staring briefly in a daze she looked around before turning wide eyed. Fear and confusion crossed her fair features as she bolted up from the bed. "This isn't the celestial gate!"she thought in astonishment. The room was large and elegant and looked very high class is the furniture and décor were anything to go by. Her confusion only grew in fear as she saw her clothes were gone and a satin powder blue nightgown was in their place. Fear and confusion gave way to fight or flight at spotting the two tall young men beside her. 

"Nice to see you awake."greeted Diluc walking over to her. 

The girl suddenly let out a growl as she scrambled out of the bed by mistake kicking the poor redhead in the process. "Stay away! Where's my brother!?"she screamed in a language not familiar to Diluc. Diluc letting out a yelp of surprise at the force this petite blonde had behind her kick before she hurried to a corner and grabbed the near by vase, poised to throw if she had to. Kaeya seemed to be getting a real kick out of it as he was howling in laughter at what this small stranger had just succeeded in doing. But what surprised him was he knew this language the girl was speaking. 

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