The Girl Locked In The Seal

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[A/N: Diluc can't figure out why Lumine hasn't woken up since discovering her. So he reaches out and ropes in a certain alchemist and librarian. Also enjoy some the song I posted for Lisa here.]


Days turned into weeks and that strange, petite girl he had discovered had not awoken. It had gotten to a point the young redhead couldn't focus on his work with the winery. A frustrated growl leaving him as he sighed putting his pen back into the ink well. "I can't focus like this."he thought. That girl in his guest room that hadn't awoken since he rescued her from the sea. Just who was she and why or what was it she had been through? The more he thought the more he could not figure this out. Slowly he got up from his study desk leaving his paperwork for the guild to lay scattered across the surface. 

Outside the sky was actually clear and calm today as birds flew by in a fluttering dance. Birds returning from their long winter away  to hotter climates like Sumeru or Natlan. Then a thought did surface and it was one that made him groan with annoyance. That esteemed doctor from Bubu Pharmacy wouldn't be here until tomorrow at the earliest. The thought that bothered him was he would need symptoms and facts to present to that doctor. There was only two he could think of that may be able to do this and both were members of the knights!!

"Best get this over with."he sighed walking over and grabbing his coat off the coat rack. With strong and steady strides he left his study closing the door behind him. He was not sure why but his feet seemed to have a mind of their own and he was now standing outside said girl's door just as the head maid came out. 

"Oh good morning Master Diluc, come to see our young guest?"Adelinde asked clutching the laundry basket close.

"No I was just passing by. But now that you brought it up, how is my guest doing? Any changes?"he asked but Adelinde just shook her head slowly.

"No changes. I'm growing worried now since she's been asleep for over a week now. She looks perfectly healthy too, I wonder what's wrong..."sighed Adelinde in defeat.

"It'll be alright, Adelinde. Just continued look after her like always, I'll be heading out for a bit."he informed making the maid smile.

"Alright you have a good day then young master."Adelinde then hurries off with her basket in hand. While Diluc decided to open the door to steal a peek inside. There was the petite blonde stranger, out like a light and tucked in under the covers. Her hair seemed to have just been washed this morning too with how it seemed to be still a bit damp and the scent of asters and cecilias filled the room. Satisified everything was peaceful he closed the door and left.

 Satisified everything was peaceful he closed the door and left

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"What's this you found a girl at the coast?"

Sitting at the table with her bright, flirtatious grin sat the honey brown haired mage. Her bright green eyes were playful and intelligent as curiosity danced in their deep green depths. A mage's hat of an indigo violet hue that matched well with her indigo violet and white dress that had a practical elegance to it.   Here and there purple roses adorn her clothes and even one was tied up in a loose hair tie over her shoulder. Fastened to her short cape was a violet glowing orb with the symbol for electro element inside it. This was the genius librarian and records keeper at the Knights of Favonius, Lisa. Not far away was a young man with sandy blonde hair and cerulean eyes that appeared to be in his late teens to just stretching close to twenty. He had a calm almost stoic look to him and an odd golden star shaped birthmark like marking on his neck. He had little interest until Diluc had just informed of the stranger in his care.

"A young girl you say washed ashore? And she has some strange aura coming off her?"the boy asked. 

"Yes. I've asked a doctor from Liyue to come take a look as she has yet to wake up. That was almost two weeks ago in fact. I'm loathed to stoop to turning to the members of the knights for aid but I need answers."Diluc admitted with a sour frown. Oh how he hated this so much but Lisa while lazy got stuff done where it counted and was a prodigy from the Sumeru Academia. Then  there was the young man beside her today. The genius alchemy prodigy from within the knights' order itself known as Albedo. "If anybody can figure out this mystery it is these two."he thought.

"Oh my, the poor dear. I have free time right now if you would like my help, Master Diluc."Lids hummed in intrigued delight. 

"Hm I'm rather intrigued myself. Mind if I tag along? I might be able to provide some insight as well into the stranger's situation."Albedo offered.

"Alright come along then you two but it is in and out as soon as you finish, I have work to do with the guild still."Diluc stated flatly. He couldn't believe he was doing this but some times drastic problems required drastic solutions. And this was a drastic problem he needed answers to! So he lead them away straight for his manor at the Dawn Winery. Inside they went and up to the guest room they went. Diluc opened the door and lead them over to the bedside of the petite blonde.

"Oh what a sweetie, she looks like an angel sleeping like this. And you found her over at the coast just beyond the woods? The poor thing."hummed Lisa at the sight of the girl. 

Their eyes turned wide as before them the dark energy once again made itself known but it seemed a tad more violent then previous times Diluc had seen it. Distress clear on the blonde girl's fair face. Whimpers and tiny whines leaving her small form as the energy faded away leaving forms of almost like shackles tendril cube-like chains of black and red. 

"Oh my."gasped Lisa.

"Hm... defiantly something out of the ordinary."Albedo mused out loud walking over to the left side of the bed. He reached out doing some quick checks on her vitals and everything seemed healthy and normal. But this girl's breathing was shallow and slow. "Lisa mind having a look? This has just reach beyond my specialty and entered yours."

"I noticed that Albedo the instant I saw that strange energy. I do not know what this poor darling went through but somebody has locked her in a some kind of seal that traps the victim in slumbering state."Lisa informed making Diluc's eyes grow wide turning ihs crimson gaze onto his charge. 

"A seal? Why would anybody do that? She looks no older then seventeen maybe eighteen years old. What could have caused this!?"Diluc wondered as his sharp mind began already to come up with possible scenarios. She could have been used as an important hostage or used as bait or maybe she had earned the ire of the divine or something not as such? The list was growing by the second of the possibilities. "Is there anyway to break this seal safely?"

"I'm afraid this seal goes beyond even my understanding. But one thing is clear that seal will break and very, very soon I may add."Lisa stated. "When it does please try not to scare the poor sweetie senseless, Master Diluc."

So not even Lisa could figure out this seal then? But she had confirmed something of value. That seal would be breaking any time possible on its own. He stood silently looking at the girl as Lisa and Albedo had by now long since permitted themselves out of his home. "Soon I'll get my answers. Just who are you and are you a friend or a foe to Monstandt?"he thought walking over to sit down on the edge of her bed. 

"Well, well what do we have here?"Diluc's brow furrowed at the playful, teasing tone of a young man that was all too familar to him. Leaning in the door way stood a tall man with watery blue hair in a low ponytail dressed in a knight captain's style uniform. A black eye patch over his eye and skin a bit more tan then his own in hue. Brilliant blue eye that shimmered like stars stared right back at him. Standing before him was indeed somebody he knew all too well.


To Be Continued...

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