The Girl That Touched The Wind

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[A/N: A simple walk in the woods leads to a sight Diluc did not think possible as before his eyes Lumine restores the statues of Barbatos, the Anemo Archon. But also that she can use anemo without a Vision. Also please enjoy the song I picked for Lumine.]


The crisp, cool but slightly warm breeze danced through the flora, rustling the newly forming leaves. The hustle and scittering of rodents and the sing song chatter of passing songbirds were all familiar sights. To Lumine it was something special but it held a sense of serenity around the tiny lake nestled in the outskirts of the thick forest. In the lead was the tell fiery redhead pyro user. The spring warmth brought by the sun streaming through the long wisps of whitish grey clouds across the cerulean sky. 

"How much further?"Lumine asked as she hurried to catch up to the young redhead.

"Not far now. We just got to go by Starfell Lake now. From there we'll go through the woods to the coast."Diluc informed calmly. 

"Starfell Lake?"she echoed in curiosity as the left the tree line behind them into a small valley. The small valley itself had cliffs, ridged and sharp enclosing it in like some kind of cradle. A cradle of green and life as the cedars and towering alders casted a crooked leafy shadows farther away. Over the hills of the winding path a small lake came into sight. 

"This is Starfell Lake. It's not the size of Cider Lake by any means, actually it is more pond then lake."Diluc gestured to small, tiny body of water. Lone snap dragons and reeds in the shallows and cranes snapped at unsuspecting trout.

But it was what Lumine saw at the heart of this pond located on a small piece of land. A lone statue, towering tall and faded with age. Crumbling from lack of care as ivy and moss had started to cover it and even the figure of the winged, cloaked boy. The statue's hands clutched an orb faint and dull as gone was its previous luster. Diluc's curiosity grew to disbelief as Lumine seemed drawn towards the statue. 

"Lumine where are you going?"Diluc called seeing Lumine wade into the water.

"Don't follow Diluc, for what I'm about to do will be dangerous to anybody that gets too close to me."she calmly stated as she glanced over her shoulder. Diluc looked so confused and suspicious of what she intended to do. But she could feel it...the tug of an element so sincere and familiar to her. 

Diluc felt even more puzzled and her words held a frosted warning to them that did not escape his notice. A warning for him to not interfere with her. Part of him wanted to try and stop her in case her intentions with the statue of the Anemo Archon was ill intended. But there was no malice or anything that eluded she meant to cause harm. So he forced himself to remain retrained as Lumine made it onto shore. "What are you going to do?"he called.

Lumine offered a smile as she wrung out the water from her dress and scarf. Once that was done the young blonde walked over to the statue. There it was again she could felt a pull, like somebody pulling on shackling chains. Trying to free and beckon her over like a mother would a lost child. It felt calm and welcoming making her slowly reach out as she walked towards the crumbling statue's base. Until finally her petite, small hand made contact as she closed her eyes. "Forgive me but I need this."she thought as winds began to howl and the earth began to shake to Diluc's shock. 

All around him the tremors shook and churned up the earth as a sacred light not only began to cover Lumine but the statue as all over Monstandt the crumbling, aging statues were restored. One by one they all at the same time startled creature, monster, and human alike as the fallen rubble floated into the air to go back in place as the statues became like new again. "What in the name of the Anemo Archon!?"he yelped trying hard to keep from falling over as the tremors died down. Soon the winds died and the bits and parts of Lumine's clothing and armor began to glow an anemo green. It had been extremely faint but Diluc swore he saw her eyes had been giving off a gold glow very briefly as she opened them.

Just who the hell was this girl!?

Lumine had restored the statue to look like brand new in not even minutes. She had a pleased but surprised smile as she removed her hand as she opened and closed it in a tight fist. At spotting some pyro slimes Diluc was quick to try and reach her to try and protect her. However that was when again Lumine surprised him as from her raised hand a vortex of anemo effortlessly destroyed the slimes, leaving the earth scorched in the breezy wake of her assault.

"Lumine what did you just do?"he asked as she came over to rejoin him. Disbelief, confusion, and amazement mixed with other things were all the emotions that graced his face before Lumine. However she she just smiled as he continued, "You can use anemo but you don't have a Vision, how is this possible!?"

"You told me that you wanted answers only I can give correct?"Diluc nodded as he crossed his arms with a firm sigh.

"Yes I did."he confirmed.

"You are wondering if I can be trusted, especially after that yes?"she asked Diluc turning surprised at this girl's intuition.

"Y-Yes but how did you know this?"Diluc once again surprised by the mysterious blonde before him.

"Just because I couldn't understand you until recently does not mean I was blind, Diluc. I saw the way you would watch me and behaved around me. Why do you think I was always so nervous around you?"she giggled in amusement before taking a few hops and skips before swerving to face him as she walked backwards and stopping. "You want answers, I shall give them. But my story is not a happy one and it one you may not believe possible."

"Still regardless I wish to hear your story. I will without my judgement if you are friend or foe to my homeland of Monstandt until afterwards."Diluc assured as they continued on their way. It was not long they reached the inlet beach. Diluc before slowing to a halt near some boulders being lapped by the rising tide. "As promised this is where I found you that day. You were lying unconscious in the shallows here by their rocks. At first I thought you drowned or might have been a shipwreck I am not sure. You're an enigma, a mystery to me."

Carefully Lumine grabbed a stray stick she had found as she observed the area he had discovered her. "So this truly isn't Khaenri'ah and the Celestial Road."she thought with a sigh. That meant she while sealed away had drifted or ended up here. That cold, bottomless abyssal darkness she had been trapped inside. Forever unable to move her feel or see. It gave the constant sensation of a free fall and had become a cause of trauma for her. All alone, nobody near her side. 

"Diluc you will want to sit down. My story is a long one but I shall now give you my answers."she sighed taking a seat on the boulder. Diluc quietly taking her offer and sat down beside her. "My name is Lumine and I am a traveler of worlds..."

To Be Continued....


[A/N: I am so sorry this took so long to get out. December is always so nutty for me both as a gamer and family affairs and my volunteer work. But here we are finally starting the Monstandt Arc. Will Diluc believe her story? We'll find out next time.]

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