Epilogue: Hanging By A Moment Here With You

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A/N: Long time coming but i end the story here. I hope you all enjoyed this and once again I thank for having such patience with me when I had a case of writer's block and then a year of poor health after that back in 2022. Once I say thank you, so on with the finale~!


Here he stood among the golden halls of heroes and fallen kings A table fit for a king of ivory marble laced in gold and black. The tall crimson haired man unsure what to make of this gilded hall the vision once at his side no more. The soft dabbled light danced through the transulent curtians as he gloved hand graced each marble statue of each archon within like quiet sentries. His memories flowing back gently of everything that had happened that had lead to this fated moment.

Discovering the lonesome blonde woman of ethereal beauty. This same woman that had slowly over the years captured his heart. He had stayed at her side in all her endeavors as much as possible. From confronting and purifying Dvalin in his own homeland of Monstandt, to the murder conspiracy of Liyue, the civil war of Inazuma and frightening revelations of his said companion's identity, then the chaos of Sumeru and Fontaine. One by one each nation and its gods and people had been different, bringing back bits of nostalgia of his youth. 

His hand then came to stop on the statue presenting what had once been humanity's cradle. A lone throne still and cold as stone. "To think your identity was far more heavy then any of us knew...."he paused as he slowly smiled at hearing small footsteps race towards him before colliding from behind. "Ain't that right....Celestial Empress Lumine?"

"Diluc you came you really came!"came her over joyed sobs. "I've missed you so much."

"Didn't I tell you no matter how long it took I'd come to chase after you?"he whispered wiping away her tears. "It took time even after final battle but I am here as promised. Question is...do you still hold the same affections I do, my dear cecila flower?"

Before him stood the fair goddess a long braid with inteyvets woven into her hair that fell past her waistline. Her fairy dress white as snow etched with gold, blue, and black. A crown circlet of gold with brilliant diamonds graced her fair sun kissed hair, her light elf ears dainty and almost unnoticeable from humans.  

Her appearance had changed but it was still Lumine. Lumine's radiant smile as her six brilliant wings appeared behind her to let her float up to be eye to eye with the ascended allogene. A purr escaping her lips as she kissed him passionately and deeply. One he happily returned tears of joy in his eyes began to fall. He would chase her to the ends of teyvet and beyond in order to walk at her side. Even just to have a single moment with her at his side. The newly born God of the Hunt had arrived that day. But in this moment here with her, he's hope it could last for as long as they desired.

~The End~

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