Let Me Be The One To Hold You

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[A/N: Poor Diluc he can't seem to understand what's happening to him. Should we tell our redhead he's fallen for Lumine? Nah! Lets let him figure it out on his own.]


Lumine let out a yawn that afternoon as she returned from handling some commissions for the guild. It was pretty basic stuff of handling monster dispatches and deliveries. The last few days had seen calm relatively speaking. She had helped Lisa with a missing book, helped Kaeya with a mystery fake treasure. Even helped out this feral boy she had encountered with Amber named Razor. Actually she still had the bruises from her encounter with the spirit of Boreas...damn that hurt.

That old wolf of the four winds hit fast and hard it landed her with the now light work she had now. Thankfully Diluc, Amber, ad Razor had been there that day to help or it could have gone so much worse. But she also was reluctant to get any sleep, the world of her dreams haunted and dark. It had become so bad she was now having trouble with just a few small anemo slimes. So she had decided to opt out of the rest. 

"So tired..."she mumbled mid yawn. 

"Hey you alright, Lumine?"Lumine practically jumped out of her boots at feeling a tap on her shoulder. It was to her shock, Jean returning to her office after handling some matters. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

"J-Jean!? No...no it's ok. It was just a long day is all."Lumine assured.

"you sure? You look ready to collapse and pass out."Jean asked not quite convinced for her friend's welfare.

"I'm just tired, I promise I'm fine."Lumine assured. "But I need to go, Diluc should be finishing at Angel Share now."

"Alright, but take care it is looking like it might storm tonight."she advised before taking her leave, rushing off.

Lumine though let out a small whine at the mention that it might be a storm tonight. Storms brought thunder and lightning. She hated thunder and lightning with a passion. So she was not looking forward to it. So she hurried towards Angel Share as fast as her legs could take her when she reached the door she hurried inside. 

"Oh Traveler, good to see you. Are you looking for Master Diluc?"asked the bartender as he set the clean glass aside before grabbing another out of the sink.

"Yes is he in the back?"she asked. "I can to meet him so we could walk back together."

Right on cue out came the redheaded claymore user as he closed the door behind him. A small smile at seeing Lumine that before their eyes turned tender and kind as he went over to her side. "Ready to go Diluc?"she asked before a yawn escaped her.

"Lumine you haven't been sleeping have you?"he asked gently escorting her out of the tavern.

"N-No I've been sleeping..."Diluc's stern and sharp gaze not so convinced. The concern not leaving him as they left the city behind only to vanish in a soft golden light. This was another ability he discovered she had and it saved so much time. But the concern remained. 

"Lumine tell me the truth I'll find out eventually so just come clean. Have you been sleeping?"he asked as they approached the manor doors.

"N-No really I'm fine, I promise you don't need to worry."she insisted.

"Lumine...fine. But whatever is bothering you when you are ready to talk don't hesitate to ask me for help."Diluc sighed as he unlocked the door and entered with her not far behind.

Lumine sighed as she hurried anxiously up to her room much to his surprise. The speed she had dashed up the stairs was like somebody had a lawachurl on their tails. "Lumine what is bothering you?"he thought hearing a door slam shut. Had something happened during commissions today? He was not sure. But he knew whatever it was for some reason she did not want him to know and it only increased his worry. But it was getting late bye now as he looked over at the old grandfather clock as it chimed with a loud "brong" sound. So he he decided to head for his study to finish any paperwork he had for the merchants guild for any incoming orders. Working even later into the night as the storm began to howl and thunder crashed.

That was until a shrill and frightened scream caught his attention amidst the flick of the candlelight and lanterns. "Lumine!? Did somebody break in?"he thought in worry. Swiftly he got up and hurried out of his study straight for her room. As he reached the door he could hear frightened and distressed sobs before thunder drowned it out. 

"Lumine I'm coming in!"Fearing the worst he barged in with a strong kick at the door almost breaking it off the hinges, startling Lumine. Another frightened squeak at the loud sound. But there was nobody in the room besides the trembling mound under the bed sheets. "Lumine?"he called walking over to the bed. Slowly he sat down at the edge of the bed and lifted the blanket up to find the blonde huddled up tight shaking like a leaf in barely holding on to the tree branch. She looked like a cornered rabbit that entered a fox's burrow. Her eyes red and puffy with still flowing tears as he some how got her attention, snapping out of her distressed state.

"D-Diluc...?"she hiccupped.

"Lumine what happened? Why did you scream?"He asked softly.

"I-I was...I was f-falling and my b-brother —EEEIIII!!!"Lumine ended up shrieking before jumping right into Diluc's arms startling him as the thunder crashed and lightning flashed. Once again crying as she desperately clung to him, burying her face in his chest. He could just feel her small frame trembling and shaking as she cried out, begging for her brother to come back. The sight broke his heart. Just how often had this been happening since her seal broke? It was troubling.

"So this is why you haven't been sleeping..."he whispered, just holding her close running his hand through her hair with comforting care. "I won't go anywhere."

Those sudden four words of an adamant and gentle promise made her look up with stunned honey amber eyes. "Promise? You promise y-you won't leave me all alone?"she whispered hopefully. Diluc's expression held a soft sort of passion and affection as he stroked her cheeks rubbing the tears away.

"I don't break my promises I give Lumine. For as long as you need just ask and I will help you."he reassured making Lumine once again bury her face in his chest. She felt safe here in his arms and not that claustrophobic terror of endlessly falling in darkness. Her brother forever out of her reach each time. 

"I believe you."she whispered squeaking at another crash of thunder. 

"Do thunder storms scare you this severely?"Lumine softly nodded.

"I never used to be...it's more recent."she muttered sleepily.

Was it possible because of her past? Was this due to some kind of trauma it had caused? So many questions began to surface. But this did not feel like the time nor place to ask. Not in her current emotional and mental state. So he just held, removing his gloves to set them aside running his hands through her soft hair. The scent of an unfamiliar flower tickling his nose as he did. It was a sweet, ethereal scent but not overwhelming or strong. "Try and sleep, I'll stay with you until you do."he soothed.

"Ok..."she mumbled nuzzling into his touch. The action making him grow flustered again. But he kept his composure as the sound of his steadily racing heart lulled her to sleep in his arms. She always looked so fragile and small as she slept. Like a tiny kitten sleeping away without a care. But what had happened to cause her to have nightmares so often it prevented her from sleeping properly? It made him worry and wonder as he held her just a little longer before tucking her in. In a move he wasn't expecting he took off his coat and put over her on the blanket. Her hand instantly grabbing the sleeve in her sleep with a small sigh. A small smile as he left the room. The entire ordeal and past events since her seal broke playing like a broken record. Making blush as he froze with his hand on the door handle of his room.

"Lord Barbatos I've fallen for Lumine...."he whispered in stunned silence as his heart jumped into his throat. How the hell was he going to handle this new revelation now!?

To Be Continued...


[A/N: ABOUT DAMN TIME DILUC!!! Finally he realized, now how long going to take you to confess huh!?]

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