I Wanna Know

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[A/N: With the language barrier Diluc is struggling but is surprised at the speed Lumine is learning to speak, read, and even write Tevyet's languages. It is not long before she starts surprising him again. Diluc starts to notice something about her.]


The last few weeks had been interesting and confusing for Lumine. The interesting part was finding out she was in some place called Monstandt, Tevyet. The frustrating and confusing bit was not being to understand the fiery redhead. Diluc tried; he sincerely did. But this blasted language barrier between was not doing either of them wonders. Kaeya she had been able to understand, and as a result befriended him fast. Kaeya was a mischievous and flirtatious, if not cheeky man she discovered from watching and talking to him. Diluc seemed more serious and harder to approach....h-he made her nervous at first. But Diluc had been nothing but patient with her and yet, he eyed her every move with suspicion. 

But there were things she needed to find out and in order to do that she had to learn their language. Her confidant smile graced her face as she hurried down the upper hall of the manor. It was slow but from watching and listening she was learning the language just by listening in on the staff of the manor and winery. So she slipped into the small study and library where she usually saw Diluc. "He's not here today?"she pondered out loud. Diluc must have gone off to the wine distillery area to check on the products. That was another thing she noticed; Diluc worked hard. 

No matter.

What she was after was the countless books on his shelves. So she hurried over and grabbed a few setting them on the coffee table by the sofa. "He wouldn't mind if I borrowed some paper and a pen would he?"she thought her amber eyes turning to the sturdy antique desk. Her mind made up she went over and opened a drawer and grabbed some paper and a fountain pen. She then hurried back and got to work. Going through every book found as she started learning everything she could, absorbing everything greedily like a sponge.

The utter disaster area Diluc walked into caught him off guard. He could only gawk at the sea of books and paper everywhere!! "What in the name of the Anemo Archon!?"he gasped in a mixture of disbelief and annoyance as he maneuvered his way through. 

"No, that's not it."came the feminine musing tone that was all too familiar now. 

It had startled Diluc even more that in fact those words had not been from a foreign tongue. Slowly he made it to where there was the most chaotic mess. The scattered paper he realized were all translating her language into his. "Lumine, why are you in my office?"he asked sharply.

No reply came.

The petite girl was far too absorbed in what she was doing. Lumine had such a focused expression as she nibbled on the end of the pen. Her honey amber eyes going through a history book. Wait...now that he had noticed almost all the books out were history and geography. Even books on weapons and maintaining them. Actually the range here was rather large. The only once that escaped her hunt seemed to be his winery records. "What are you looking for?"he wondered. But the speed he noticed with each paper she was processing...i-it seemed impossible! Yet, the evidence was there plain for him to see. "She's clever girl."he thought as he moved to stand behind her and leaned over to look.

"Lumine, did you hear me? Why are you in my office?"That time startled her making the young girl squeak in surprise.

"D-Diluc!?"she yelped. "When did you get back?"

Now he really was surprised by this blonde that look up at him with such surprise and embarrassment. "D-Did you...Did you just speak Teyvetian!? Can you understand me?"he asked.

Lumine offered a smile of delight as she confirmed, "I can understand you, but not completely." 

"Maybe I can help if you would like me to? It would be no trouble at all."he offered as he moved over to join her. Lumine slid over to make way for him with a bright star shattering smile. There was that smile that put the stars of the heavens to shame. A ray of light; that was what she was before him and it was blindingly brilliant. It was otherworldly as he grabbed the pen she offered him. 

"I would love your help, I want to u-understand. Teach me to understand please?"Lumine asked with an eager smile. 

The look she gave him caused him to smile as he got to work teaching Lumine. He started with the basics then went from there. This soon became a regular occurrence of Lumine seeking him out and her learning from him. With each lesson she showed impressive progressive until she finally began to speak, write, and read their language fluently. But each time he was starting to notice things. Lumine was confidant, feisty, stubborn, had curiosity that could kill a cat, and was even cheeky at times. But the most radiant thing was the gentleness and kindness she had. That morning though he was just leaving his bedroom for his study when he spotted said blonde smile at spotting him. Swiftly she hurried to him.

"Diluc, good morning!"she greeted.

"Ah yes, good morning Lumine. Is there anything you need?"he asked.

"Yeah I wondering where exactly it was you found me? Kaeya told me it was along the coastline but I don't know which one."she asked quickly.

Diluc groaned at the mention of that nosey, sneaky adoptive brother being mentioned. Couldn't Kaeya keep his nose out from even this matter!? "Diluc?" she asked in concern. "Actually this works in my favor. I can get those answers now from her."he thought and cleared his throat before offering his hand.

"I'd be happy to show you, we can talk along the way as I have a lot I want to ask you."he agreed guiding her downstairs. 

"And you receive those answers if I'm able to give them. You deserve that much after helping me so much."Lumine hummed moving her hair behind her ear. Yes she knew for certain where she was and already she was mentally prepared for this as they left the manor and vineyard behind.

To Be Continued...

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