Diluc's Confused Heart

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[A/N: After meeting with Jean and the knights Diluc starts to open up a little bit to Lumine. Lumine discovers an injured Natlanian eagle that actually belongs to Diluc!?]


He was not sure why but even after leaving Lumine with Kaeya and Amber he couldn't bring himself to wander far. The howling winds while having died down were still wild and strong as people had taken to hide in their homes and the local inn. All in all the situation was a dire one and one he had not seen in a long time. Just what had caused Stormterror to appear? Who was the boy with Stormerterror? Was that same boy the cause behind this? There were so many questions but no answers to give to clear them.

Still why was he feeling so driven to wait for here here at the town square market? She was a mystery to him and drawing him in. Lately he had noticed being near him made his heart skip a beat and jump into his throat. He didn't feel the need to be alone with her and they never seemed to be a time wasted with Lumine. "Why am I feeling this way about her?"he thought. His mind like a broken record replaying her inquisitive, cheeky, and bubbly nature mixed with her other abilities and qualities. "Lumine you are not like other girls, are you? Even catching Jean's eye."he thought with a sigh turning his gaze towards the statue of Lord Barbatos. Not long after he saw Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya race by in haste to archons know where from where he was waiting for Lumine. "Now where are they off to?"

"Diluc!"Diluc looked over at spotting Lumine racing over as she spotted him.

"What is going on Lumine?"he asked. There it was again his heart jumping into his throat and what an odd feeling it was.

"The knights are going to the temples as apparently that is where Stormterror's powers are currently gathering right now. Lisa thinks if we dispel them it should stop this wind storm going on."Lumine informed. The wind again making her squeak as this time her scarf almost got blown off. "And hopefully not a moment sooner that is the fourth time I almost lost my precious scarf."

"It's that important to you?"Diluc asked.

"Yeah, its all I have. My brother and I when we first departed on our long journey to find a home we only had the clothes on our backs, our swords, and whatever our storage cosmos could carry."Lumine explained opening up her palm to show a scatter of starlight that became a shell from the beach she had picked up before letting it vanish. "Until I met you and everyone I had very little to call mine."

"The gifts that Kaeya, Lisa, Albedo, and Klee brought you were all actually thoughtful and practical, I admit."Diluc agreed. "So what happened with Jean?"

"They wanted me to join them but I declined. I can't afford to be grounded to a single place, it's not my style and would limit my search for my brother."Lumine hummed. Diluc to her surprise smiled as his fingers carressed her hand tenderly. What petite and small hands they were compared to his. The simple action making them both a little flustered.

"It's better that you don't join them. You're far more reliable then the Knights of Favonious ever will be. Actually, I think you'd thrive with the Adventurers' Guild. Not only would you keep your freedom but they may help you gain possible leads in your future endeavors."Diluc agreed with a small smile. Yes she would probably thrive with that guild even with its ragtag group of some rather...interesting characters. 

"The adventurers' Guild? Hm I might consider it I need to be able to provide for myself after this blows over."Lumine hummed thinking out loud as she considered it. "You know what I think you talked me into it. I'll join the guild after we deal with this wind trouble."

"Sounds like you have your path figured out, good. I must be on my way and you?"he asked starting for the gate with her at his side.

"I may not have joined them but I agreed to help so I'm going to go meet Lisa and then Kaeya at the Temples of Four Winds."Lumine informed. 

"Are they so inefficient that they must rely on you for assistance? This is why I despise them."sighed Diluc in annoyance. However as they were about to leave the city behind them a frightened and injured bird-like screech caught their attentions.

"What was that?"Lumine asked.

"It sounded like an eagle. They are a common sight across Monstandt and Liyue."Diluc informed as Lumine began to search the sky for one. But none could be seen anywhere in sight. Instead scattered eagle feathers and some blood caught their notice. Lumine followed the trail to a spot behind a storage stable of some kind for merchant goods. Parting the tall grass and brush Lumine's eyes lit up at spotting the bird with its wing injured as Diluc came over to pear over her shoulder. The bird at first defensive and clacking its sharp predatory beak in stressful fright. That is until it noticed Diluc.

"Aldor!?"yelped Diluc in surprise and worry.

"Sqree..."chrilled the eagle as it hopped over to his master's waiting gloved hand. Expertly climbing on to grip Diluc's arm with his sharp taloned feet. "What were you doing out of your aviary at this hour?"

"Aldor?"Lumine questioned eyeing the bird Diluc so tenderly and loving petted with his finger. The eagle was large with creamy chest feathers and rich earth brown feathers covering much of its body. Its sharp golden eyes were nervous and alert; did it get caught in Stormterror's storm? Possibly. It made her feel bad seeing this bird hurt the way it was and seemed to even be shaking a little.

"My pet eagle I've had since I was still with the knights. He's one of the messenger birds I keep to stay in contact with my informants."Diluc explained.

"Wait you were part of the knights?"Lumine gasped in surprise. "But why do you hate them so much and why did you leave?"

"That...that's a long story one I'm not yet willing to share. Just hurry off I got to bring Aldor home to get his wing mended. I'll see you at the manor."he sighed starting to leave her behind. 

Lumine though had noticed how angry, bitter, and hurt he had looked when he left. Just who was Diluc and why did he leave the knights? What had caused him so much agony? She wanted to know. She wanted to see him smile that rare smile that was so kind and warm like a crackling fireplace. But first she had to go meet up with Lisa and Kaeya and get this situation under control again. So she hurried off after one more look staring down the path Diluc had took. "Who hurt you so badly?"she thought as she broke into a run towards the temples. Diluc had the look of a man that had been betrayed and grieving.

To Be Continued....


[A/N: Good luck everyone that are pulling on Itto's debut banner. That oni is hilarious and Gorou is a sweetie~!]

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