The Voice On The Wind

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[A/N: Lumine chases off Dvalin before everyone's eyes. Diluc and Kaeya ask what happened and she reveals somebody had helped her.]


At sudden gust Lumine let out a frightened shriek as around the same time Amber tossed her a glider in the hopes to try and help her new friend. Diluc's worried shouts as her hands slipped out of his grip. "LUMINE!!" came their frightened and distressed cries. But Lumine felt something like a warm wisping breeze, a hushed voice in her ear instructed her what to do. So not wasting a second Lumine put on the glider some how by some miracle and yelped as the wind tossed her above the clouds over Monstandt. This was not the same as what she knew but the instinctual and welcoming feel of flying was there.

The mighty dragon, Stormterror as she now knew him as snarled and roared in fury as he swooped right at her. Experience took over and swiftly Lumine dodged out of the way, steadying herself. Only for the dragon to round about and charge at her again making her yelp as she was tossed away before unfurling the glider again to steady herself. "Too close for comfort!"she squeaked. The weird thing was how was she still up in the air like this? She didn't have her wings and gliders from her understanding had limited air time. 

"How am I not falling splat into the ground right now? I really don't wanna live that nightmare...."she gulped as she looked down as she gave chase after the dragon.

"Ha haha~! So it was you then in the woods. Don't worry I'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds."came a voice on the wind.

"Wait that voice...!?"

"No time for chit chat right now sadly. Now focus and concentrate, see yourself grasping the wind and harness it's energy and attack without fear!!"the voice explained. Now Lumine was beginning to get suspicious. Was that voice in fact the Anemo Archon himself she was looking for?

"Alright I'll have to trust you so don't you dare let me fall!"she snapped charging up blasts of anemo she began targeting the festering ominous wound on the dragon's neck and back hips. The beast letting out a pained howl of fury and agony.

"Wouldn't dream of it! Now come on you have him almost on the run!"laughed the voice.

Lumine went in for another dive and with one last blast Stormterror yowled in pain before making a break for it and vanishing from sight. With the beast gone the winds died down and as promised the mystery entity on the wind guided Lumine safely back to the ground towards the statue of the Anemo Archon by the church just as Amber and Diluc raced over at the sight of her. Diluc seemed the most frantic as she stumbled a little.

"Oh thank Lord Barbartos you are safe that was so scary!"squeaked Amber.

"Lumine are you alright? You're not injured?"Diluc fretted but soon calmed at seeing no serious harm had come to the blonde. Resulting in a relieved sigh as he let go of her arms. "Thank goodness you're fine."

"I'm fine."she confirmed. "S-Shaken but I am ok..."

"Bravo, Lumine that was quite the spectacle."came a familiar hum at the sound of hands clapping. Making the girls and Diluc look over to spot Kaeya himself come over. "To think you had the power to go up against the dragon, Lumine. Now I wonder are you a ray of sunlight or a new storm like Diluc suspected?"

"Kaeya."growled Diluc in annoyance as the winds had died down still remained strong. "What do you want?"

"Kaeya you already know the answer dont' you? So please stop teasing."Lumine rebuked making the bluette chuckle hands up in mock surrender.

"I give, I give no need to be so sharp my dear."grinned as Lumine pouted at the Calvary captain. 

"Kaeya Stormterror is attacking the city itself!! We gotta go and  —"Amber began as Diluc began to leave having lost interest. "Hey come back we need al lthe help we can get Master Diluc!"

"I have no desire to cooperate with the knights when you can't even handle one dragon on a rampage and had to rely on a wandering traveler to chase it off. Good day."he stated sharply and smoothly. A curious glance from Lumine as she watched him leave. Where was Diluc going?

"Well there he goes again."hummed Kaeya.

"So it would seem. He really doesn't like the knights but why?"Lumine asked.

"Oh he never told you? How interesting but that is for him to tell, not mine."Kaeya said motioning for the girls to follow. "The acting Grand MAster asked me to find you and bring you to meet her."

"The acting Grand Master?"echoed Lumine.

"Yeah her name is Jean Gunnhildr and she's from the Gunnhildr Clan, one of the three clans of Monstandt. The current grandmaster is away on a mission right now on some kind of investigation so Jean's filling in for him."Amber quickly explained as they reached the knights' headquarters.

"I see."Lumine frowned but was also curious. So she followed her two friends into the build past the two knights guarding on watch at the stairs. The hall was large with tiled checked floor and long red rugs rimmed with gold. Some paintings and potted plants could be seen here and there. While at the far end where the stairs going to another floor. However where Amber and Kaeya took her was a door to their right. Kaeya put his hand on the handle to open it and permit her inside as he spoke, "Welcome to the Knights of Favonous, Lumine."

And there at the desk to greet her Lumine saw a familiar sandy burnette with her flirtatious and kind smile leaning over the railing. At the study desk itself sat the young woman with long blonde hair in a ponytail and a blue knight's uniform. A kind, welcoming and sincere look on her face. This was Jean Gunnhildr, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonous in the flesh.

To Be Continued....


[A/N: Not many know this but I actually love Jean as a character but I um have a love hate relationship on her as a unit. This is due to when she stole my pity back on Childe's banner and I was so furious with her all autumn and only now starting to work with her as a possible unit for one of my teams. She's one of those characters I love story wise but eh not my cup of tea for game use. Do you have characters like that? Ones you love but don't like using? Feel free to let me know.]

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