The Windborne Bard

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[A/N: Lumine meets Venti again. Diluc learns of Lumine's ability to purify along with the others. Please do enjoy the bardcore music I provided for this chapter too! I'm not sure if I shared this but Venti has a bit of a special place in my heart.]


With the winds now gone people in relief flooded out from their sanctuaries and shelters. The sun by now having set as the moon began to slowly rise. The sound so soft and soothing on the now calm breeze of lyre being played. Coaxing all to gather around at the base of the statue of the anemo archon. At its base playing the lyre, weaving a tale of the great dragon himself was a sight Lumine could not believe as she pushed through the crowd not long after finishing her enrollment with the adventuers' guild. 

Standing there was the same boy from the woods with the dragon. To say the least this ombre bluette was quite skillful with his lyre was a understatement of the century. The melody was soft, comforting and captivating like a siren's song. The words flowing from his lips smooth and rich like honey. What a silver tongue this boy held as he spung his tale,

What is to be sung transpired in days of yore,
When the divine archons still walked the earth
A dragon cast its curious gaze upon the world below
As he parted from the heavens that gave his birth

The dragon sought truth amongst the common folk

But mortal trifles only fogged his mind
The windborne bard strummed his strings dolce
And the Holy Lyre answered his questions kind

The dragon was but a child full of wonder,

And soared the heavens free from care
The bard's songs invited him to sing along
For he yearned to let all perceive him fair
Enchanting legends the bard and dragon were

But the tides of despair soon engulfed the land

The lion fang perished and the falcon flag slept
As a vile dragon approached Monstandt in lone stand...

The tale this boy weaved soon grew dark and ended in woe just as soon as it finished did the lone bard turn his attention onto her. "He sounds just like the voice on the wind I heard. And that tale about the it who I think he's talking about?"she thought. With a smile as the crowd left he went over to her. 

"Wait, I know you. You're the one that scared Dvalin away."greeted the bard.

"So you are the boy me and Diluc saw with that dragon!"gaped Lumine in delighted. "And this Dvalin is that the dragon's name? The same one in your song just now?"

"Yep, the very same~!"he grinned.

"So why were you with Dvalin, are you guys close?"Lumine questioned swiftly.

"Oh, so close..."

"Um...I'm sorry but who are you?"Lumine inquired.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Venti the bard. Three time winner of the 'Most Popular Bard' in Monstandt, to be precise~!"giggled Venti proudly. "So, what do you need from me?"

"My name's Lumine."she introduced.

"Where's your redheaded friend that was with you at the time?"Venti asked with a curious grin and twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh Diluc? He should be at work at the tavern tonight at Angel Share."Venti let out a hum of understanding, accepting her explanation. "As for what I want from you, I don't think I need to explain it do I?"

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